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Automatic photo uploads come to Dropbox for iOS with a new way to earn free storage

dropboxThe Dropbox iPhone App has been updated to support automatic photo uploads and gallery view. After upgrading to new version, the app will prompt user for permission to automatically upload phone's camera roll (images and movies) to their Dropbox account.

To promote usage of this feature, users are also offered an reward of up to 3GB of bonus capacity in 500MB increments when data gets uploaded using the new feature.

dropbox iOS

Dropbox 1.5 Changelog :

• Automatically upload photos and videos using Wi-Fi or cellular data plan
• Earn up to 3 GB of extra free space for uploading photos automatically (in 500 MB increments)
• See all the photos and videos you've uploaded to Dropbox in Gallery view
• Move and delete sets of files at once
• Upload files of any size

New Dropbox on iOS
DropBox for ios
DropBox for ios
DropBox for ios
DropBox for ios
Dropbox for iOS :

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