FXmypics is a brand new free web service that provides a simple way to apply many interesting and professional quality photo effects and filters to your images.
There are over 140 effects categorized in 10 groups: photo enhancements, black and white, HDR, lomo, color, retro and vintage, grunge, artistic, frames, special (this last contains 40 "extra" effects accessible only with a Paypal donation). Users can see them live in action at FX Library page (http://www.fxmypics.com/fx-library/).
What makes FXmypics different from other similar services is that the effects are not applied in realtime but are manually worked upon by FXmypics team for the best professional quality output.

According to the FAQ page (http://www.fxmypics.com/faq/) there are a few limitations like only JPEG files with max file size upto 5mb can be used with max 2 photos per day.
The service has also a bit of social features. In the image upload form if users checks the "Pin it" option the photo gets featured in the FXmypics Pinterest page. However, in current beta phase this checkbox is disabled but will be enabled when the service will be publicly available.
MegaLeecher's users can subscribe to the limited free beta by filling the form in the popup displayed using "megaleech" (without double quotes) as the referral code.
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