Pantheon has been my choice for Drupal hosting since it's BETA days, and this blog is still hosted with them. The good news is their excellent platform is now available for Wordpress too, the no-frill, simple to use, hosted heaven is very developer friendly with separate development, staging and live website environments for your Drupal/Wordpress websites.
Pantheon PaaS has everything to run Drupal websites with best performance and since Wordpress demands the same, support for Wordpress has now being offered to users. The Pantheon dashboard simplifies management of multiple websites and allows the admin to do all sorts of technical management and maintenance tasks with ease.

For advance users, Pantheon already offered the excellent command-line tool Terminus based on "drush" (The standard Drupal Shell) for managing services, and now they have rewrote it as an stand-alone tool, borrowing a lot of ideas from wp-cli in the process to support WordPress platform.
Previously, I was using dedicated hosting which not only costed me thrice my current plan at GetPantheon but I had to manually tackle server-and-software maintenance, security and backups tasks. All this is now taken care by GetPantheon platform, I would highly recommend them to users - they also offer a free account to let users check things out.
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