Finding content on the Internet continues to become more and more difficult due to the seemingly endless amounts of searchable pages, FindTheBest is creating an alternative by providing an unbiased, data driven source of customized comparisons.

FindTheBest, founded by DoubleClick’s Kevin O’Connor, is a comparison search engine researched and compiled by actual people – and it’s a tech savvy shopper’s dream come true.
With an increasing database of over 750 comparisons allowing users to compare smartphones, tablets and electronics, the search engine compiles data from experts and trusted resources then allows users to filter and customize their results.
In other words, FindTheBest has created a solution for organizing the Internet.

While Google search leaves you sifting through countless unreliable sources to find the answers to life’s daily questions, FindTheBest provides you with the ability to find trusted comparisons created by real people, not computers.
FindTheBest started in August 2010, in order to provide an unbiased database of comparisons for consumers. O’Connor created the idea in response to the seemingly impossible task of finding legitimate comparisons on the Internet.
If Kayak can answer your travel questions by presenting you with accurate representations of all of your travel options, why can’t you get answers to everything else online, in a neat and orderly manner?
FindTheBest has proven it possible, and has grown without any signs of stopping. Since FindTheBest’s launch, traffic has grown to over 100,000 unique visitors per day, and over 3 million unique visitors per month – or, a growth rate of 650 percent. The site continues to expand, as our researchers create several new comparisons every week.
FindTheBest draws its data from a variety of sources for its comparisons – Government and institutional databases, research from a team of analysts, sophisticated algorithms and user-generated data that’s verified before publication. All of these sources allow us to not only give users exactly what they are looking for, but also to give them the assurance of unbiased, purely data driven information.
Don’t switch between different websites to compare two different products, or sort through the hundreds of billions of pages indexed by Google from any simple search, when you can compare products from Digital Pianos to Digital Cameras side-by-side in detailed, user-friendly columns. FindTheBest is the Internet’s best resource for finding reliable and unbiased comparisons.
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