What would we do without technology?
We have all experienced that horribly frustrating moment when your phone runs out of battery or your tablet switches off. Your charger is too far away to reach and as a result, you are suddenly thrown into the abyss of the disconnected world. It makes you wonder just how our ancestors ever survived without the constant connectivity that we so enjoy today. Technology has opened so many doors for all of us and we should not only be grateful for our new capabilities, we should be taking advantage.
We don’t sit down to think about the amount of information that is available at our fingertips. It is simply extraordinary that you can get the answer to the most complicated question in less than a second. The very illustration of how this has become entrenched in our lives is the integration of the word “google” as a verb into the English language. These days, telling someone to “google it” is universally understood. Just imagine if you could travel back in time to your grandparents’ generation, they’d think that you were crazy.
Communication is perhaps the most prominent way to show the amount of technology that exists in life today.
We are more connected than ever. It is so easy to communicate with people around the world. This is not only great for social reasons but of course for industrial and commercial reasons. We are able to communicate with a person across the world with just a few taps on a touchscreen. One great example of this is on Skype.
Skype is a phenomenal tool of our times.
For those who have been living under a rock for the last decade or so, Skype is an example of VOIP software which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. There are many different providers of this technology, but Skype is probably the most famous.
This translates to HD video chat with the capability to share files and even to share your screen meaning that you are able to give full presentations and pitches over the internet. At an online education marketplace such as lingostan.com languages are taught to students from all corners of the globe thanks to this amazing tool. This is fantastic news for students, as they do not have to enrol in expensive schools, all they need is a device that can connect to the internet and they can start learning.
So much is possible from the comfort of your own home and one aspect of this is working from home. Many, many people are now working from home. The convenience, coupled with the extended opportunity for the company to save money with their employee at home, is causing vast disruptions across industries around the world.
Plenty of companies are looking towards remote workers in order to provide great service to their customers, more flexibility to their workers and more bang for their buck.
Professional teachers all take advantage of the technology that is available to us, to bring quality instruction to learners all around the world. The opportunity even exists for an unqualified individuals to earn some extra money online. Online language tutors can provide conversational classes with no teaching qualification. The lack of qualification doesn’t mean a lack of quality, the tutors give a natural learning experience with idioms, vocabulary and native expressions.

All teachers and tutors work online and from the comfort of their own home, taking advantage of the freedom given to them by technology. In this sense, they are able to run their own business in a profitable way. They also get to meet a wealth of students from countries they have never even visited.
That brings us on to the social aspect of technology.
Networking is immensely important in our competitive business world. Sometimes, it really is who you know and not what you know that will move you forward in your chosen sector. Simply having the right contacts can be the difference between a deal succeeding and a deal failing.
You can meet people online that you never would have encountered in real life. Life is short and humans are social creatures. We need a means by which to connect with other humans around the world. The technology exists, so go out and start building relationships that could last a lifetime.
Of course, you can’t build networks without skills. Personal improvement is an imperative part of professional development in our times. Surprise, surprise, our technological society helps us here as well.
Online learning means that students can learn in their own time. Today people are busier than ever. Time must be used wisely and income has to go further. Learning online allows for people to build flexible learning schedules around their working hours and also allows them to save money. Family life benefits through a higher standard of living and of course more time with loved ones.
If you’re not already learning new skills online, you need to start today. The stakes are too high in today’s world and knowledge is power.
You could start by learning a new language and joining the online community at Lingostan.com
There are many teachers from all different backgrounds just waiting to connect with you and take you further on your language learning journey. It is imperative to learn language with someone who knows what they are doing and that is exactly the case here.
We must be grateful for the technology that has entered so seamlessly into our daily lives. This article only scratches the surface in terms of the potential for further technology in the future. The rise of artificial intelligence is one of the lasting achievements of our time, not to mention the revolutions in sustainable energy brought about by entrepreneurs like Elon Musk with his Solar City project.
The future is bright and laden with flashing LEDs denoting technological functions beyond our collective understanding. Let’s take advantage and make sure we are profiting as a result.
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