All private torrent trackers require account registration which mostly needs an hard-to-get invitation to join the system, even if you are lucky enough to get an membership you are required to maintain a minimum upload-to-download ratio also known as share ratio which is usually 1:1 meaning that if you download a 100 MB file from the tracker you must upload 100 MB to maintain the ratio, this give and take restriction let all users enjoy better availability and speed for their downloads preventing users from leeching, if you are unable to meet the minimum share ratio you risk loosing your account, there could be many reasons for having a bad ratio unintentionally like bad upload speed support by ISP or block by security software/ISP, if you are stuck in such a situation today I am sharing simple to use fully automatic utilities to spoof your upload/download rates and manipulate the torrent share ratio.
Bad Sharing Ratio Reported By Tracker Before Spoof

Healthy Share Ratio Reported By Tracker After Spoof
There exist quite a few utilities to spoof your torrent ratio but I will be sharing the best two, all the torrent ratio-spoof applications or hacks works on similar pattern, these applications connect to the tracker behaving like a normal BitTorrent client but instead of actually downloading or uploading any data it fakes the reporting protocol updating tracker with fake data to artificially increase user's overall ratio.