iPhone Dev Team released the Mac version of iPhone unlocking utility Pwnage Tool 2.0 few days ago and today announced the release of much awaited windows version of the utility "WinPwn 2.0" for public downloading.
Winpwn does the same job on windows what Pwnage does on Mac, Similar to Pwnage Tool 2.0 Winpwn 2.0 will allow windows users to jailbreak and unlock their 1st Generation iPhones and allow jailbreaking of 3G iPhone and iPod Touch.

Please note that Winpwn 2.0 only supports Windows XP and Vista 32/64bit. Windows 95, 2003/2008 server are not supported.
WindPwn 2.0 Features:
- Support for both 1.1.4 and 2.0
- Custom Payload Support
- Custom Image Support
- 3g iPhone support