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FBI Can Activate Your Computer Camera Without Triggering The Light Which Tells When It's Recording

We all are now very well aware of the fact that almost all big government's use cyber-warfare to spy on each other and individuals of interest, NSA, USA's cyber-weapon Flame, suspected Chinese spying using Electric Kettles and other communication devices are prime public examples of this.

The latest revelations made by "The Washington Post's" story "FBI’s search for ‘Mo,’ suspect in bomb threats, highlights use of malware for surveillance" provides further glimpses onto how intrusive these tactics can get. The FBI's ability to covertly activate a users computer camera without triggering the notification light which informs the user that it is being recorded is one such example, While used for good purpose of catching criminals and controlling terrorism now what happens when the technology gets leaked or gets abused by whom which have access to it now to settle personal scores or invade one's privacy?

FBI Camera Spying

Track Indian Assembly Election 2013 Results Live Online

8 December 2013 is the day when results for Indian Assembly Election 2013 held in four of her states go live, the best way to track the results is TV news channels which will be taking on the results with live analysis, news, comments and debates. However, if you are unable to access TV you can get updated via Internet - not only you can watch numerous TV channels streamed live online for most-up-to-date live results, but can also get result scores from numerous websites covering this including the authoritative Election Commission Of India's website (all links shared at the end of this post).

Indian Assembly Election 2013 Results

Multiprocess Firefox For Better Security And Performance

Internet Explorer 8 was the very first web-browser to utilize separate processes followed by Google Chrome, the separation of UI and multiple “content” processes to host web-content results in better security and performance. Using separate content processes allows them to be properly sandboxed enhancing security and will also result in better UI responsiveness as the browser UI would not be affected by poor performance of content processes.

Although the underlying Gecko platform on which Firefox runs supports multiple processes, the Firefox frontend is not designed to use them. Work to make the frontend support multiple processes began in early 2013, and fruits of the work are now available in Nightly builds of the browser. The new multi-process Firefox will make it a more stable web-browser, a crash in “content” process will not kill the entire browser and will show something like below telling which tab crashed allowing them to be reloaded.

Multiprocess Firefox

Is 'Amazon Prime Air' delivery drone a practical solution?

Utilizing drones for delivering stuff is nothing new, Domino's demonstrated and pitched their DomiCopter pizza delivery drone a few months ago, and now Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos is promising half-hour shipping with "Amazon Prime Air" drone delivery service, but the question remains is this really a practical and viable solution?

While Amazon seems to be all setupped for this new service (checkout the videos) the big questions remains what about the numerous possibilities like midway attacks for fun or theft and the danger of crashes due to malfunction?

Amazon Air Prime

Dispatch Proxy Allows Users To Share Multiple Connections On Windows, Linux And Mac

Why prioritize one internet connection over another when we can enjoy all at the same time!! By design the core TCP/IP technology only allows us to utilize a single interface for connecting via internet at a time, there is no provision for combining bandwidth of two interfaces to achieve higher speeds. A new technology named Multipath TCP is now available which allows connections to use multiple paths for maximizing resource usage and increase redundancy but is only supported by modified Linux Kernel and Apple iOS 7 for now. However, a new open-source project allows users to enjoy similar benefits using a simple local proxy service.

New easy-to-use, cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) 'dispatch-proxy' project aims to fill this gap allowing users to benefit from combined bandwidth and redundancy of multiple internet connections at the same time by automatically load balancing traffic between multiple connections channels. Simply follow the setup instructions as shared below and you will be using this in less then 10 minutes.

Dispatch Proxy
Dispatch Proxy

Hacker Claims To Have PlayStation 4 Cracked Unlocking The Path For Pirated Games

Sony PS4 Hacked

We all know Sony takes business very seriously, and unlike other tech companies takes a very strong stand against anybody trying to circumvent their console security for enabling sideloading or game piracy. Sony sued the well-known Apple iOS hacker George Hotz for releasing the first-ever Playstation3 custom firmware which was the initial step towards letting others enable game piracy for the earlier locked platform. An alleged Sony PS4 jailbreak named Reckz0r has now made it's presence public online claiming to allow execution of unassigned/unauthorized code and pirated games on PS4 exploiting an vulnerability in underlying FreeBSD based Orbis OS. The author goes ahead with sharing all details and files showing users how to "crack" their PS4's labeling this as an tribute to George Hot.


Can you open websites in web-browsers by just using numbers like this -2915189091?

Absolutely, go ahead and type 2915189091 in your web-browser address-bar followed by hitting the 'Enter' key and see the magic happen. Want another one, try 3232235777 (opens your router configuration). Want to know how this happened and how to make numbers like this for your favorite websites - read on.


How To Make A Google Account Without Gmail

If you already have an email address and do not want to get a new Gmail account, Google does provide an alternative signup web-form to get your free Google account utilizing your existing email id. One simply needs to use and complete the signup process skipping the need of an Gmail account. The same can also be accessed using the "I prefer to use my current email address" option located just below the text-filed where it asks for Gmail ID in default Google signup form.

Steps To Create Google Account With Non Gmail Address

Spinning Globe With Just 1K Of Self-replicating Javascript Code

The mind-blowing javascript globe animation shared below is not just awesome because of it's compact code size of just 1K, but also because it is a Quine, which is by definition "A computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output. The standard terms for these programs in the computability theory and computer science literature are self-replicating programs, self-reproducing programs, and self-copying programs." Which means, the code you are seeing below is the exact code which is used to generate it.

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