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Top 5 Features of the Best Online Gaming Platform to Sign Up at

Technology advancement is the best thing ever for game enthusiasts. It has brought about many fascinating activities, including online gaming and betting. Many individuals have lately shifted to online gaming since it has countless advantages. Some advantages of online gaming include ease of play, selection of games, and bonuses, among other benefits. However, not all online gaming sites offer a fantastic gaming experience. Therefore, it would be best to consider finding a reliable and trusted online gaming provider to register with.

Some punters have reported having terrible gaming experiences on online gaming platforms. This may result from uninformed choices made when finding a gaming site. When you know what to look for when finding the best online gaming site, here are some crucial factors worth considering. 

Oracle Wars: Chainlink vs API3

The cryptocurrency industry is developing at a rapid pace, at the moment, there are more than 22 thousand digital coins on the market, according to the data of the analytical resource Coinmarketcap. However, just a small part of them have such a function as connecting oracles. Perhaps the most popular in this area is Сhainlink oracle.

In this article, we will discuss what it is, compare API3 vs Chainlink and understand what prospects this direction has.

Top five gadgets for casino games in 2023

The iGaming landscape is a part of the tech landscape and as such is ever shifting and ever growing. Maybe you are new to the world of online casinos and have yet to create an account on anything, or you have only ever played on one device and daydream of pastures new.

How to Pick a Good Online Casino: A Few Tips

If you're looking for an online casino to play your favourite games, then you'll have to find the best one. In this guide, we'll show you how to pick a reliable online casino that will give you the most enjoyable gaming experience.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Starting a Writing Business as a Student

These days, many students combine study with work and, thus, find it difficult to cope with essay writing. And this is not surprising, as this business takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention the knowledge of the subject itself.

Therefore, outsourcing is gaining huge popularity! Isn't it cool to find a qualified writer who will complete your task at a reasonable price? And with time, this talented specialist can be you! Read our guide to find out where to start and how to promote your services. Below, we also study the pros and cons of this business to help you make the right decision!

Are Note-Taking Apps Better Than Regular Notepads?

No matter which course you are pursuing, note-taking is an important part of learning. It can help you refer back to the lecture later in order to understand the concept better or to prepare for a test. 

In an increasingly paperless world, many students have already gotten comfortable with taking notes on their tablets or iPad. However, many might still prefer to take notes on a good old notepad with their pens and pencils. 

How to Structure a College Application Essay

Getting into some of the best colleges in the world is not an easy task at all. Not only does it require students to be good at their academics, but it also requires them to show potential in other areas of life. These can include social interactions, extra-curricular activities, and more. Beyond these, students are also required to present the best possible applications to showcase all their qualifications.

Some of the main requirements during an application process are academic records, interview skills, and essay writing skills. Those students who score well on all have the best chances of getting selected for their preferred colleges. However, it can be complicated even if they have a few of the required selection parameters ticked off. And sadly, this is the case for many.

While some can be great at Art or Math, their essay writing skills might fail them in their application to college. Thus, it is vital to fulfill all the essential requirements when applying. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to structure a college application essay.

Online Casinos: Pathways to Your Health and Well-Being

In various parts of the world, the general view of online gambling has a very negative impact. But it is already scientifically proven that gambling has both physical and mental benefits. More research on the online casino market is going on and it is found that gambling provides positive well-being to a player's health and memory. Hence, people of today's world may not be so surprised after learning or hearing about this advancement of online gambling. 

Ethereum delays the difficulty bomb, here’s what happened

The famous crypto company has announced the delay on its measure called “difficulty bomb.” Developer Tim Beiko announced the two-month delay on Twitter, with a tweet promising the new measure to users, just later than expected. 

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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