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Flashphone Offering Free Wordwide VOIP Calls

Free VOIP Calls FlashPhone - A Russian VOIP company is offering free VOIP calls to all the major countries worldwide, this free web-service allows you to call directly from a standard webbrowser without installing anything (needs Adobe Flash Plugin), temporarily only one call of 5 minute duration per day is allowed. SIP compatible Flashphone is easy to use and is totally web-based, you can make and receive calls using any VoIP provider in any place on the Earth. You can also use the mobile version of flashphone on PDAs, communicators and smartphones.

Click Read More to get the free registration link...

American Pie Beta House 2007 Leaked Before Release !!

Download American Pie Ever popular American Pie movie series has a new offering "American Pie : Beta House" the movie is supposed to get released on 27 December 2007 in USA (IMDB), the shocking news is that the movie somehow got leaked on torrents sites on 5th December, almost 25 days before the release date!

Windows XP SP3 Boosts Overall System Performence

Windows XP SP3

We have already posted the Windows XP SP3 RC1 Download Hack, Now its time for the review - Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) Final version is scheduled to be released next year, early adapters of the SP3 RC1 are reporting significant performance improvements, SP3 update makes the Microsoft Office suite 10% faster then than the XP SP2 as reported by Devil Mountain Software - an independent performance testing software developer.

Devil Mountain's chief technology officer, Craig Barth Said:

“We were pleasantly surprised to discover that Windows XP SP3 delivers a measurable performance boost to this aging desktop OS,”


"In fact, XP SP3 is shaping up to be a 'must-have' update for the majority of users who are still running Redmond's not-so-latest and greatest desktop OS."

He also commented on the Windows Vista SP1

"None of this bodes well for Vista, which is now more than two times slower than the most current builds of its older sibling,"

Online Multi-Engine Anti-Virus Scanners

Online AV Scanner

There are many services offering free online virus scanning for suspicious files using multiple antivirus engines, these services let you upload suspicious files which are checked using multiple anti-virus softwares on the servers with most up-to-date virus signatures.

There are three major websites offering this free service, VirusTotal.Com offers you to send suspicious files using email and has a handy explorer extension to launch online scanner.

Extension for Anti-Virus

Read More for the scanner links..

Rapidshare Introduces New Premium Account Features


Rapidshare.Com - The leaders in one-click file-hosting have introduced direct file downloading options for premium users, now any file can be converted to a direct download and users can download directly bypassing the rapidshare free user limitations.

Free Online Photoshop Like Image Editor

Fee Online Image Editor

Splashup is a free flash based free easy to use, web-based image editor for experienced users, it supports layers and has a interface similar to photoshop.

SplashUp Features:

  • Multiple image editing
  • Pixel-level control
  • Layers of depth
  • Brushes & Filters
  • Layer effects
  • Integration with online image services like flickr
  • Fullscreen mode & Resizable windows and panels

Google Chuck Norris - Funny Google Search Trick

Funny Google Search Trick

Here's a fun trick Goto Google.Com, now search for "Google Chuck Norris" by entering the term without quotes into the middle search box, now click on the "I’m Feeling Lucky button". see for yourself.

Spy Invisible Yahoo Users & Track Their IM Usage !

Wanna check if your Yahoo buddy is avoiding you and hiding using the invisible mode ? not anymore, there exist several web based and desktop solution to spy your yahoo buddy list.


Indian Mobile Operator BSNL To Offer Mobile Television

BSNL Mobile TVIndia's largest telecommunication's company BSNL is all set to release TV on mobile services, currently offered free for testing as a technology preview the company is already providing 12 TV channels, there are three subscription plans at present:

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