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Digsby - Free Desktop Client With Multiprotocol IM, Email And Social Network Integration

Digsby Networking ApplicationDigsby is a feature rich, easy to use free desktop client offering multi-protocol instant messaging with email and social networking integration aimed at bringing all major online communication services and social networks under one roof making things simpler to manage and use.

Currently Digsby supports:

  • Instant Messaging Services : AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber Accounts.
  • Email Services : Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, IMAP, and POP accounts.
  • Social Networking Services : Facebook and MySpace (support for more services coming soon).

Digsby is in private beta now and you need an "Beta Invite Code" to use it (see end of the post for special invite codes for our blog readers).

Firefox Tweak To Enable In-Line Spell Check In All Textboxes And Webforms

Firefox SpellChecker By default Firefox's in-line spell checker does not work in all text-boxes and forms and you need to right-click and select “Spell check this field” to manually start spell-check, however this behavior can be automatically activated by following the steps provided below.

Yahoo Live Launched Quietly

Yahoo Live Video ServiceWithout much buzz Yahoo quietly opened gates for their experimental service Yahoo live (Y! Live) allowing users to broadcast live video using a webcam, we have earlier blogged about a similar service allowing users to broadcast live video from their cellphones.

Yahoo is also offering developers access to Y! Live api's letting them create their own social broadcasting experience, letting them to hack and mashup live video streams on their website or client applications.

Rapidshare Might Shutdown

Rapidshare LogoOne of the most popular file-sharing service RapidShare may face forced shutdown if unable to comply by German court's ruling against them, for removal of copyrighted content already on their servers and taking measures against uploading of copyrighted content by its users in future, the German regional court made this ruling after GEMA the German equivalent of RIAA started legal battle against Rapidshare.

Scientology Google Bomb

A group with name "Anonymous" successfully carried out a Google Bomb targeted at "Church of Scientology" getting top Google search result for term "dangerous cult", it also seems the group somehow also managed to get "Scientology is a terrorist cult" into Wik

Watch India Vs Australia Free Live Cricket Match Video Feed

We have blogged about "Free Live TV" using "Satellite TV For PC 2008 ELITE EDITION" earlier, there exist several similar services both paid and free providing live streaming video feeds, one such free service is SopCast - A free P2P based internet TV system, being a cricket fan myself I had hunted down few working free live cricket streaming channels to watch the ongoing India Vs Australia

Undersea Cable Cut Slows Down Internet In India And Egypt

undersea CableInternet is being slow in many parts of the world specially India and Egypt because of two under sea cable cuts providing majority of bandwidth to these two countries, the issue is expected to get resolved in next few days, for the time-being ISP companies have re-routed their traffic to other providers. > Rapidshare.Com !!!

one of the world's biggest file-hosting service started their service on domain, after a major infra-structure upgrade everything got shifted to the new domain, However the old infra-structure and service is still functional and the good thing is that allows file uploads upto 300 MB in size while the new service has a 100 MB file-size limit.

Stop Autoplay - Firefox Extension To Make Auto Playing Media On Webpages Play At Will

Block Background Music "Stop AutoPlay" is a free firefox extension to block annoying autoplay media on webpages like background sounds and auto-start movies, Stop Autoplay will stop the auto-loading media and allow you to control whether to play it or not.

Block Unwanted Sounds On A Webpage

To block the autoplay of the embedded media, you have two modes to choose:

  • Disable only the autoplay of the embedded media. In this case, the media file will still be loaded and embedded when page is loading. Press the Play button of the controller when you want.
  • Block the media when loading a page. It will be replaced by a red frame with a play button in the center. Click in the red frame to load and then play it.

It is advised not to use this extension with Flashblock extension for Firefox.

gOS Rocket Beta Available For Download

gOS is a small & efficient operating system based on Ubuntu & Enlightenment window manager, the main specialization of gOS is its tight integration with Web 2.0 services specially Google Apps, the motto behind the project is to Access your work from anywhere.

gOS Online Office

gOS needs very little system resources to run since all the applications are web based using Ajax to function, gOS was recently released at Consumer Electronics Show 2008 and is now available for free download.

gOS Online Office

gOS Video:

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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