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Better Ways To Search Indian Railways Trains, Schedule, Availability And Fare

Indian Railways is one of the largest train networks in the world, with more than 1.6 million employees it is also the world's largest commercial employer, transporting seventeen million passengers and more than two million tonnes of freight daily this is surely one of the busiest rail networks in world. Indian Railways provides a simple and efficient online train reservation and information system through its IRCTC portal for its services.

While the official IRCTC portal provides all the information and services you need, it still lacks good presentation and ease of use, Today I will be sharing two new services allowing fast and efficient inquiry service for Indian Railways, The search services retrieves data from Indian Rail servers and display them in a much better way allowing you to easily find seat availability and fares.

Rediff Fare SearchThe first service "Rediff Trains FareSearch" comes from Rediff the leading Indian online portal, the search offers nice ajax powered search suggestions and easy to use navigation with fast information retrieval.

Indian Rail Reservation

Rapidshare.Com Under Massive Hack Attempt

World's biggest one click file-hoster Rapidshare seems to be under a massive hacking attempt, anybody trying to access the service is shown the following error message:

Rapidshare Hacks

Users from all over the world are reporting blocking of various IP ranges, and shown the standard message as below with different IP ranges.

RapidShare Premium Download Quota Decreased

RapidshareBad news for Rapidshare Premium users, the file-hoster has decided to cut back daily download quota for premium users to 4 GB daily from 10 GB earlier, which means a reduction from 50 GB per week to 28 GB per week.

In an official press-release the company announced:

Mygazines - Online Community To Read, Share And Archive Full Magazines For Free

MyGazinesMygazines is a free online community enabling users to read and share full magazines using an easy to use efficient flash based interface.

Free PC Magazine Subscription

MyGazines lets community users share magazines by uploading them to the portal, once shared the magazines and articles inside them can be browsed and searched for using the MyGazines interface, all the latest issues of popular magazines from all major categories are available on the portal, their also exist a adult filter to let users filter out adult and pornographic magazines from getting displayed.

Browse Magazine

Once register the service lets you tag, bookmark and share your favorite articles and magazines, another cool feature is the ability to create your own magazine having your favorite articles arranged just the way you like them known as "MyGazine".

Megaupload Downloader 2008 - Easily Bypass Country Slot Limits On MegaUpload.Com

MegauploadMegaupload is probably the most popular one-click file hosting service provider after Rapidshare (Alexa Comparison) and like all other similar services imposes downloading restrictions for free users, apart from the 45 second wait-timer, Megaupload also restrict users from non-english speaking countries from downloading files at peak hours with error:

All download slots assigned to your country are currently in use. Please try again in a few hours or install the Megaupload Toolbar for immediate access - with the toolbar installed, there are no more slot limitations for you!

However, megaupload's alexa toolbar is classified as SPYWARE by various security softwares and many users do not prefer to install the toolbar. Their exist several megaupload download hacks to bypass these restrictions but majority of them are outdated and do not work now.

Megaupload Spyware

Megaupload Downloader 2008 is a new free utility to bypass restrictions imposed by Megaupload allowing anyone to download unlimited files, the software is easy to use and works similar to your existing browser. You can also search for files on megaupload using the in-built file-search options.

Megaupload Download

Free Sex For Supporting Net Neutrality !!

Save The internet

Now this sounds really weired but Tanya Devereaux, A Belgian political activist and NEE party senate candidate is offering free sexual favours to all the virgins who supports Net Neutrality.
Tanya Devereaux

So the deal is that if you are willing to show your support for the cause with a written document and ready to post your email, name and address on her website, then you might end up having de-virginization sexual pleasures with Tanya for 30 minutes.

This is not the first time Tania has offered such services (read publicity stunts) earlier she campaigned to provide 40,000 blowjobs when she ran for a seat in the Belgian senate, as a protest against other politicians when they claimed to create 400,000 jobs.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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