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[Exclusive Giveaway] Free KPH Services Torrent Seedboxes With Unmetered Bandwidth And Downloads

If you liked the zBigz torrent2http service shared earlier, you are going to absolutely love this one. Today, we are giving away absolutely free accounts of KPH Services Seedboxes the big daddy of zBigz.

For the uninitiated, a SeedBox is a dedicated server used exclusively for torrent downloading and uploading connected to a high-speed internet connection for fastest possible speeds. Having a Seedbox not only provides a user with easier and faster direct HTTP and FTP download links with resume and download manager support, they also provides anonymity with no worries of Torrent share ratios in private communities. KPH Services also feature many other exclusive features like video streaming, creation of public sharing links and direct upload to users one-click file-hoster accounts.

Seedbox features

Connecting to internet using an EVDO modem on Linux

EVDOEVDO is the 3G internet access technology for CDMA platform, the Evolution-Data Optimized(EVDO) technology offers mobile broadband speeds upto 3.1 Mbit/s.

I have been providing internet access to my Raspberry Pi via an TP-Link WiFi 3G Router, however we can directly connect a GSM/EVDO 3G dongle to any Linux computer and make it act like a WiFi access point using Linux utilities like WICD Network Manager. Configuring a EVDO modem to work on Linux can get a bit tricky, here is a simple to follow howto guide on setting things up.


Grab a YourName.Me Domain and Email ID for FREE

DOMAIN.ME LogoWouldn't you love to send and receive emails from a anything@YourName.Me email ID, specially when you are getting the YourName.Me domain for free !!

If your answer was Yes, here is a great chance to grab your own .ME domain for one year at the best price of $0.00 complete with a Whois Guard subscription. This free domain name and email offer would not only allow you to create a personalized online identity but also helps others identify that the content and communications come directly from you.

Free domain offer

Fixing the no audio from Adobe Flash content bug in Google Chrome

After my recent update to Google Chrome Version 23.0.1271.64 Adobe Flash powered videos stopped outputting sound. This is a wide spread Google Chrome specific bug and until Google fixes this here is an workaround to get the audio back.

Adobe Flash Audio Error

Download Internet Explorer 10 Release Preview For Microsoft Windows 7

IE10 LogoMicrosoft has released the Internet Explorer 10 Release Preview upgrade for Windows 7 users, with this announcement of Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 users Microsoft has made clear that it wont leave "Windows 7" users with outdated technology despite all there efforts now being targeted towards promoting Windows 8.

The Internet Explorer 10 has received some great reviews and has delivered good on its promise of a faster, safer and easier web-browsing experience to it's users.

IE10 Whats New

Nike+ FuelBand helped girlfriend catch boyfriend cheating on her...

Nike+ FuelBand is an modern age gadget which tracks users daily activities like running, walking, basketball, dancing and many other counting the amount of calories consumed. This data is then used to provide various reports and keeping log of their exercise routines, the wristband also lets users know how much fuel they have left in the tank keeping track of every move they make.

The product also lets users socially share data with each other, and this resulted in some privacy nightmare for an boy; when her girlfriend found out He was doing some "heavy exercise" at 1-2 AM when he was supposed to be at home. While this is an feature "by design" as users opts to share the data and this data sharing only let the girlfriend caught his boyfriend cheating on her.


ibVPN releases iOS VPN client, exclusive free giveaway for our readers

As reviewed earlier ibVPN is an leading VPN service provider and they have now extended there offering with an native VPN client for Apple iOS. For starters ibVPN is an premium VPN service provider offering 30 servers with more than 500 IPs in 12 countries (US, CA, UK, DE, NL, IE, FR, CH, LU, RO, RU and SE). The latest release in ibVPN native platform application list is the iOS client, exclusively designed app for easy VPN use on Apple iPhone and iPad.

New Smart Credit Cards Comes With Display and Touchscreen Keyboard

Technology is evolving at a never before pace, we are soon going to experience the digital age where cars are smart enough to drive themselves. Even after so much of technological progress our credit-cards have remain more or less same since a longtime, and that is soon going to change with new interactive payment card featuring an oncard display technology. The next generation card, manufactured by NagraID Security, features an embedded LCD display and touch-sensitive buttons that allow cardholders to generate a One-Time Password as an secure authentication measure.

Smart Cards

Cubby - A cute looking cloud storage solution from LogMeIn

Cloud sync and backup niche is already crowded with big players like SugarSync, DropBox and SkyDrive. Adding another option to these offerings, popular remote desktop access service LogMeIn has came up with there very own cloud syncing solution - Cubby.

One thing you will instantly notice about Cubby is that, it's an well designed and easy-to-use cloud backup and sync solution. The service allows users to share digital content across all their computers, tablets, smartphones or anything connected to internet via an web-browser. Apart from the usual 5GB free storage (with upto 25GB referral limit) and other cloud backup and sync functionality, Cubby features DirectSync allowing syncing across devices which does not count against users cloud storage, public and private sharing and the ability to sync-n-backup any folder of user choice.

Cubby Introduction
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