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Giveaway of WonderFox Photo Watermark and Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Worth $700

WonderFox Soft together with MindGems Inc. holds a Giveaway Campaign of two handy and fun photo applications – WonderFox Photo Watermark and Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder (VSDIF). Rated OUTSTANDING on CNet, VSDIF uses advanced algorithms to find duplicate photos in a way that a human does. It can quickly find all similar and duplicate images with different formats, bit depths and image sizes in a folder and its sub folders, computer or network in order to organize photos. This program is fairly a good choice for you to seek out similar images and save disk space.

If you want to brand and protect digital images with a few clicks. Well-reviewed WonderFox Photo Watermark can be a big help. This Photo Watermark is a straightforward watermarking tool and provides a flexible watermark protection for your digital images. It enables you to create and add various styles of watermarks to hundreds of photos at one go.

WonderFox Soft and MindGems Inc. are giving away 10 licenses of each program before March 13, 2014. If you want these two helpful tools, do grab the chance to get them.

WonderFox Photo Watermark

Windows 8.1 with Bing - A Free Version Of Microsoft Windows OS !!!

Just few days ago, Microsoft officially confirmed Windows 8.1 Update 1 release coming this fall, an early build of this update also got leaked on the internet the same day. The update not only brings new features and fixes to the operating-system, but it seems Microsoft will also be experimenting with a free version of Windows 8.1. A new Windows 8.1 SKU leak named "Windows 8.1 with Bing" has put weight to these speculations, considering the success of cheap Windows 8 pricing earlier this could very well be the foothold Microsoft wants to have in Desktop and mobile computing with bundled online services as the monetization model.

Windows 8.1 with Bing

Samsung S5 Official Unveiled : 4K Video Capture, Dust & Water Resistant, Finger Print Scanner And Heart Rate Monitor

Samsung has officially unveiled their new flagship cellphone Galaxy S5, with tagline "going back to basics to focus on delivering the capabilities that matter most to our consumers" the phone features a 2.5GHz Quad core application processor, 2GB RAM, 5.1-inch 1920×1080 display, fingerprint reader on the home button, a heart rate monitor next to camera flash, dust and water resistant body, 16 megapixel camera with 4K video capture and adjustable focus powered with the latest Google Android 4.4 (KitKat).

Samsung S5
Samsung Galaxy S5 features 4K video capture, dust & water resistant body, finger print scanner and heart rate monitor and is powered by 2.5GHz Quad core application processor running Google Android 4.4 (KitKat)
Manufactured by: Samsung
Model: Galaxy S5
Product ID: S5

Microsoft Confirms Windows 8.1 Update 1 For Spring Release, Gets Leaked On File-sharing Sites Today

While we have already started hearing whispers about Microsoft Windows 9, the company has officially acknowledged a spring release for Windows 8.1 Update 1 with much demanded features like the ability to boot directly to the Desktop by default and the capability to minimize Metro apps making them behave like regular Desktop app which users are familiar with. Incidentally, a build of Windows 8.1 Update 1 has already got leaked onto various file sharing website with all new major changes including booting straight to the desktop, the menu bar on Metro apps with mouse-and-keyboard friendly behavior for non-touch device users.

Windows 8.1 Update 1 Leaked Build

[Video] Google’s "Project Tango" Is An Experimental Phone With 3D Vision

Google has now lift the curtain off their experimental 3D phone codenamed - Project Tango. The phone in it's current prototype avatar is a 5” gadget having customized hardware and software designed to track the full 3D motion of the device, while simultaneously creating a map of the environment. These sensors allow the phone to make over a quarter million 3D measurements every second, updating its position and orientation in real-time, combining that data into a single 3D model of the space around you. The phone features a custom version of Android and is now being provided to interested developers across the globe, the software's includes development APIs to provide position, orientation, and depth data to standard Android applications written in Java, C/C++, as well as the Unity Game Engine. A demonstration video showing capabilities and use-case scenarios was also shared with public as posted below.

Facebook to buy WhatsApp for $19 billion, the question is what about your privacy now?

Facebook "Likes" WhatsApp in a big way, so big, that they bought it for a whooping deal valuing $19 billion. The deal involves paying WhatsApp team a total of $4 billion in cash, $12 billion in stock and $3 billion in restricted stock vested over several years. It is to be noted that this deal is worth more than what Facebook raised in its own IPO, this is not all - the acquisition is not only the company's largest but also bigger than any that Google, Microsoft or Apple have ever done.

WhatsApp strictly stuck to the "No Ads" and "100% Private" no data sharing policy for long maintaining the 450 million monthly active userbase, with this acquisition the big question is "What about privacy and intrusive advertising which facebook is often associated with?". Well both facebook and WhatsApp has written about this as shared below.

facebook buys whatsapp

Shocking Video Compares Reality vs Photoshopped Images Of Top Celebrities

We are all aware of the fact that images we see in advertising are Photoshopped, but this video will simply amaze you when you see the difference between reality and the altered version.

SugarSync Starts Ditching Free Customers, Here's How To Move Data To Other Free Services

SugarSync stopped offering Free usage-tier some time ago, and has now started purging old free accounts. SugarSync is ditching free-users including users like me who promoted SugarSync in there early days and earned free referral bonus (140+GB in my case). This is not all, these guys are so unprofessional that when contacted about the issue few months ago I was told that since I have referral bonus my account will be ok and will not be purged in February, which was not the case. Thankfully I received an automated account-purge notice by email and contacting them again I was told that the earlier support staff was mistaken and all free accounts will get purged.

Sugarsync bad review

With account cancellation getting near-by I was left with the task of moving my data to alternative free cloud-storage services, since I am on a slow internet connection downloading and re-uploading was not an option. Thankfully, there are free-to-try services allowing cloud-to-cloud data transfers which comes handy in situations like this where users are left in the lurch.

Fixing Java Error - "Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar"

In a bid to beef up the security of Java applications, all versions of Java from v7 Update 51 will feature an enhanced security model making a user system less vulnerable to external exploits. This new security policy of Java will simply not allow users to run any java-application which is not signed (Unsigned), Self signed (not signed by trusted authority) or have missing permission attributes details in the manifest.

Since, this needs a fix on developers side users are simply blocked away from using Java applications which comes short in any of the above security considerations. I faced a similar issue where Dell's iDRAC 6 Virtual Console Client was denied execution by Java citing "Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar" error. Since, there is no updated version of iDrac 6 Remote Console applet with fixed permissions we need to add an security exception for it as demonstrated below to let it run.

Why are Java applications blocked by your security settings with the latest Java?

Installing VLC or KM Media Player Voids Your Laptop Warranty !!!

A company denying warranty service for laptop speaker damage if VLC Media Player or KMPlayer is found installed sounds ridicules, but that's exactly the case with DELL where users are being denied repair of blown speakers if the above popular media-players are found installed on their laptop. The company's argument is - "When using VLC media player, volume can be increased to max output. This eventually distorts the speaker output. If audio/video playback is continuously done using VLC with max volume (100%) over a period of time then even if the volume is kept at a lower level sound would be distorted. This distortion is permanent. ". But as put forward by VLC's main developer (and shared below), that the media-player simply uses Windows officially provided API's like every other media-player and the problem lies with the fact that DELL is using inferior quality, cheap components where their sound-card is outputting at max 10W, and the accompanied speakers can only take 6W causing the damage. Don't miss the VLC's main developer answer to DELL shared at Hacker News posted after the "read more" link below.

Dell Vs VLC
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