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[Video] Can Windows 10 face detection login fooled by twins?

Windows 10 features biometric login for safer and faster access to your device, the face-recognition login is something which can be very handy as majority users prefer password-less autologin feature but face-recognition also offers security without the hassle.

To test the face-recognition login security on Windows 10, The Australian newspaper conducted an informal test where it tried to fool Windows using sets of identical twins, and the results are as shown in the video shared below.

Windows Hello

Free Opera Max App Now Saves Upto 50% Data For Youtube And Netflix Videos On Your Mobile

Opera was the very first browser to offer the concept of compression-proxy for faster web-browsing on Desktop and Mobiles, Google has also started offering data-compression proxy on Google Chrome for Mobile phones and is also available to Desktop Chrome users via an official and unofficial browser extension.

Taking the technology further Opera Max is now a dedicated app for Android platform allowing data-management and data-savings features which now even supports shrinking of videos and photos on almost any app on mobile data, as well as Wi-Fi.

Opera Max

[Video] Windows 10 Runs Surprisingly Good On A 7 Year Old Laptop

In an effort to unite the Windows Eco-system across a variety of hardware Microsoft has made many changes to make "Windows 10" work on the majority of devices out there, even ones with age-old hardware specification. To see exactly how well the new operating-system goes on with old hardware, Softpedia performed a quick test of installing and using Windows 10 on a 7-year-old Acer Aspire One powered by Intel Atom N450 processor clocked at 1.66 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, and a 320 GB hard disk. The results were quite surprising, the total installation took just 15 minutes from a USB drive and Windows 10 installed all the device drivers automatically. After installation Windows 10 performed flawlessly without any lags as shown in the video below.

Free Online PDF Invoice Creator

In most offices, creating an invoice will take a lot of time. To make one, you need to determine your clients and the amount of money needed to create the bill. After identifying the details, you have to make the bill and then print it. You also need to track the bill to know if it’s paid or not. If there are complaints, you have to check all of your records to verify it. All of these processes will consume a lot of time. Making an online invoice is not just less expensive, but is also more organized and will take up less time. If you want to create PDF invoice, you’ll be glad to know that you can do so with ease and without spending a dime.

Free Online PDF Invoice Creator

PDF Invoice Online is an online app that allows you to make PDF invoice for free. Regardless of your purpose, whether you want to use it for business or personal reasons, this app will let you create as many invoices as you want without spending anything.

Windows 10 To Force Compulsory Updates With No Option To Disable

Windows 10 Updates

Updates to any software are critical to mitigate security risks, but things can get annoying with auto-updates as one can figure out from popularity of our article on how to disable Adobe updater. As now confirmed by Microsoft, the Windows 10 Home Edition would not have any configuration for user to disable automatic updates to the operating system. As per the official line the EULA (user agreement) of the new Windows OS says:

“The software periodically checks for system and app updates, and downloads and installs them for you. You may obtain updates only from Microsoft or authorized sources, and Microsoft may need to update your system to provide you with those updates. By accepting this agreement, you agree to receive these types of automatic updates without any additional notice.”

This seems a very good step to ensure security of the computer but flip-side to the story is the fact that these are not limited to ONLY security updates but anything Microsoft decides to have on your computer like the recent popup advertising the upgrade to Windows 10. Another issue considering the automated nature of these downloads is the fact that many times a user's PC is connected via a limited bandwidth, high-cost internet connection like 4G which could result in unnecessary data charges for something which could be allowed to be postponed or scheduled for another time to achieve cost effective downloading over a unlimited bandwidth connection later.

FonePaw Android Data Recovery : The Data Backup & Recovery Expert For Your Mobile Device

Losing or having a phone stolen can be a real pain for several reasons. Not only is it a costly exercise if you are not insured, but it can also be an absolute disaster if you have not backed up and saved all the contacts, messages, call-logs and other important information that you have stored on your phone. No worries of this hassle anymore! Introducing FonePaw Android Data Recovery, a simple and incredibly easy way to backup and even scan-recover lost data from your Android Phone.

FonePaw Android Data Recovery

Using the utility you can not only backup your phone data on your PC for safe-keeping but if you find yourself in the unenviable situation of having data loss on your Android Phone be it inadvertently deleted data or data-corruption issue, FonePaw Android Data Recovery can also scan and recover this information from your device. It’s as simple as that!

MasterCard Testing System To Authenticate Payments Using Face Recognition

MasterCard has started testing a new program which will authenticate online purchases using a facial or fingerprint scan. There is no need to buy any additional hardware, the technology will utilize the users smartphone equipped with the front-camera or integrated finger-print scanner to approve the payment.

The new biometric security feature will create a digitized map of the scanned biometric data, convert that data into a hash and compare it to the hash stored on Mastercard's servers for verification at the the time of transaction for validation. Users will be able to pay through a mobile app with either their fingerprints or by blinking into the device camera, the blink is used to prevent someone from just holding up a picture of the user to spoof the system.

MasterCard FacePay

[Video] Hidden Features Of Windows 7 Calculator

Not many know about the slew of features offered by Windows Calculator in Windows 7. Beside the basic calculations, it features an “programmer” mode useful for binary and hexadecimal calculations, the ability to convert units of time, power, pressure, temperature, and other common measurements to different systems, date calculations, calculations for mortgage payments, car lease per month, and even vehicle’s fuel economy.

Hidden Features Of Windows 7 Calculator
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