When you are in college, busy with lectures, exams, and homework nearly 100% of your time, and always stressed, it’s natural to want to organize at least a small getaway from routine. Due to this reason, traveling is believed to be especially beneficial for young people. It helps them unwind, create memories, and get rid of stress accumulated during the academic semester.
The best way to relax in such a situation is to plan a vacation in some distant and exotic place. Somewhere where you can buy essay paper to get rid of tedious current tasks and chill days on end. And where the pace of life is much less hasty than what you’re used to.
Unfortunately, thinking about exotic destinations, most students think of luxury and feel like it has to be super expensive. In fact, it doesn’t have to be like that. There are many great places that you can afford, and here, we will tell you about the top nine of them!
Being the fourth most populated country in the world, Indonesia has a lot to surprise you with. From fancy metropolitan areas and majestic ancient temples to volcanoes and a bunch of small isolated islands with jungles - here you can find it all. Everything in this country feels different, which makes it a perfect spot for a student getaway where you can get rid of stress and receive an unforgettable experience. And it’s incredibly affordable too.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/QUwLZNchflk
This is another place worth visiting during your holidays. Thailand is now one of the most visited exotic destinations in the world, and there are plenty of reasons for that. This country is known for so many things, including magnificent scenery, exotic culture and cuisine, tranquil white beaches, rich history, and much more. Apart from that, Thailand is known as one of the cheapest locations in the world, so you can afford it even on a student’s budget.
Sunny and exotic Malaysia is another Asian country that you can see during your holidays. According to different tour guides, tourists can expect to spend $65 or less on their stay here, which is very pocket-friendly. At the same time, with this money, you get a chance to discover the country’s unique culture and history, visit some of the many natural wonders of this place, and enjoy tranquil rest by the beachside.
This country has always been considered exotic. From its architecture and culture to natural sites and food - everything in India is exciting and unusual. Also, this destination is home to many of the most known and majestic historical monuments in the world. Indeed, young travelers will find plenty of things to do and see here. At the same time, it’s also an incredibly cheap destination that even a broke student could afford. So if you are planning an exotic getaway, you definitely have to keep this one on your consideration list.
Many young people have an instinct to avoid western Europe for travel simply because it’s considered way too expensive for a student to afford. But not Portugal. This country is one of the most affordable destinations for tourists in western Europe, and it’s pretty exciting too. Not only is it known for its unique vibe and culture, but it’s also known for great food, wine, beaches, and nature. And, of course, it’s known as one of the best places in the world for surfing. Definitely a must-visit place.
Whether you want to have a more active getaway or relax on the beach, Ecuador is another great place to visit on a student budget. Located in South America, it is an affordable yet incredibly exciting destination. Here you will find beautiful islands, astonishing waterfalls, crystal-blue waters, jungles, and even majestic mountains. But we have to warn you about the dangers that might be here. Although the country’s crime rates are not too high, and there are very few tourist-targeted crimes, there are still some risks depending on your behavior. So, it’s good if you travel here with a company.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/Ko-g1ijT9NM
This country is best known for its huge number of historical sites related to the Inca empire. One of the most famous sites is, of course, Machu Picchu. But this isn’t the only notable location in this destination. Apart from historical remnants, Peru can surprise you with exotic culture and cuisine, fascinating nature, and vibrant beach life. If you want to experience traditional sightseeing and relaxing beach getaways in one trip, this destination is great for you. Besides, thanks to the low cost of accommodation, transportation, and other things, it is very affordable for students.
Another South American country on this list, Uruguay, is one of the region’s safest places. Thanks to low costs, this destination has always been very popular among students and backpackers. Apart from its affordability, it also gives you the best of both worlds because here you can both take a walk in large metropolitan areas and enjoy the beauty of nature. The scenery and wildlife here are very rich. And the local exotic culture won’t leave you indifferent too.
The last one on our list, Albania, typically isn’t the first thing you will think of when choosing an exotic travel destination. Located in Southeastern Europe, this country isn’t widely known to young tourists. But we have to say that it’s rather underestimated. In reality, it is an incredibly beautiful country with great beaches, rich culture, and lots of exciting sights to see. And, of course, it’s also quite affordable, unlike most countries in this region.
The Bottom Line
Traveling on a student budget is always quite a challenge. And when you decide to get a taste of something exotic, it can first feel like it’s way out of your budget. However, after reading this article, you know that there are plenty of great exotic destinations that you can easily afford as a student. So don’t give up on your travel ideas and choose the next destination for your holidays!
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