Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 04:08
One of the reason for popularity of Adobe PDF file-format is it's ability of granular file permission security, a PDF file author can restrict or allow printing, copying, commenting, form-filling and password protection etc. while creating the document.
However, there are ways to get around these restrictions both complex hardware based dedicated solutions to crack passwords and free online services and desktop software's.Here is yet another handy, clutter-free, easy-to-use, free, online service to crack PDF security restrictions.
PDF With Security Restrictions

To crack and remove security restrictions from an Adobe PDF file, simply head-over to free online service PDF Pirate and upload your file.
Online PDF Security Cracker

Result PDF File Without Restrictions

I never even knew there was
I never even knew there was restrictions on some PDF files... Guess it means I never really had to do anything that required any of those options.
Hi, Is this for real? Just
Is this for real? Just tried it and keeps giving me an error?
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