As planned DEFCAD released the fully 3D printable gun sketches online which clocked up more than 100,000 downloads within its first two days of release. Soon after getting popular the United States Department of Defense kicked in and censored the file downloads claiming control of the information. However, 3D printable CAD files for the world's first 3D printable pistol named "Liberator" are still available for download on numerous other file-sharing portals and torrent websites like ThePirateBay.

It seems the censorship by United States Department of Defense, and the media coverage it resulted eventually lead to the issue and files getting more limelight and publicity. Resulting to this popularity, the full first page of ThePirateBay's 3D file section is now populated with various torrents of these files only.

The files were already
The files were already everywhere on torrent sites before it was banned, because people knew that the gouv. would try to ban them, and for good reason. This is just opening the door to easier access to unregulated and untraceable firearms, as if we needed to give criminals easier access to this shit. The creators deserve to rot in jail for this, just wait until the first crime is committed using one of these. I know 3D printers aren't exactly cheap, but like everything, it will come down in price soon enough and chances are that organized crimes group have more than enough money to buy one 3D printer and arm all their members with these cheap, untraceable firearms.
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