Gmail's labels/Tags is no less than a life-saver when it comes to efficient email management, this nifty feature has now been taken to the next level with introduction of the new inbox interface which organizes email into five optional tabs: primary, social, promotions, updates and forums. These categories make it easy to read messages of the same type all at once, and keep track of your mail more efficiently.
The new interface is highly customizable with ability to choose which tabs a user wants, supporting full drag-n-drop functionality between tabs. The new tabbed interface is also available on mobile devices when using the official native Gmail apps on Android and iOS platforms. Do watch the video shared below with instructions on how to activate and deactivate this new interface now.

Activating or deactivating the new Gmail Inbox Tabs is very easy, simply click the Settings gear icon from top-right corner and click "Configure inbox" button as shown below.

Users can now activate or deactivate the Inbox tabs they want (or don't want) from this screen as shown below.

Unchecked everything except
Unchecked everything except Primary.
It's an EMAIL, not a god damn social network. If I wanted that extra crap I'd use facebook, which I don't.
Great Feature
Dear Dipesh,
This is a great feature introduced by gmail. Today only I received an email about these new features. But after reading your article I understood how useful it can be.
In particular, I had not added the "Forum" or updates thing.
The updates has save me a lot, as I am daily getting subscribers to my aweber list, it goes there straight away, without Filter-labeling them.
Only worry is : why my total email count has reduced to 1/3 rd , I switched over from tab to tab, but shows the same.
Any thanks a million for this !
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