Latest version of the popular iPhone jailbreaking utility PwnageTool from iPhone Dev Team is now available for public downloading, the new PwnageTool v 3.0 supports jailbreaking the new iPhone firmware 3.0 on all versions of iPhone and iPod Touch devices except the new iPhone 3G S, The Dev Team also warned not to use PwnageTool 3.0 if you are using yellowsn0w and wait few more days until new iPhone unlock UltraSn0w is available.

Contrary to everybody's expectation it now seems that UltraSn0w is not able to unlock iPhone 3G S as of now, but if you have any other version of iPhone/iPod Touch with any baseband and firmware the new PwnageTool will work.
Only Mac OS X version of PwnageTool 3.0 is available now, a windows version is in the pipeline and is expected to be released soon.
Unofficial Download Mirrors [Size 22.7 MB]:
Very Good, Thanks.
Very Good, Thanks.
iphone 3g
sir i restore my iphone3g 3.0 but when i jailbreak with redsnow 0.7 every think is fine but no carrier in my iphone 3g can u tell me the problem and for how i slove it
cool man thnx
cool man thnx
Do you know how soon the windows version of pwnage tool will be released?
i had bild custom firmware
i had bild custom firmware 3.1.2ipsw n wen i m restoring it from itune it say firmware softwer is not compatable do anyone know solution
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