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Optimize P2P Speed For Faster Downloading With IObit P2P Turbo

P2P TurboIncreasing TCP/IP maximum half open connection limit is known to boost P2P applications and accelerate torrent downloading, IObit has now came up with an P2P optimizer named P2PTurbo which allows you to tweak and optimize other TCP/IP and internet settings as well with ease.

Boost P2P Speed

P2PTurbo scans your computer, network settings and P2P network environment for accurate detection and optimization of bottlenecks slowing down your P2P connections, the utility supports most P2P Clients like BitTorrent, Limwire, Imesh, Morpheus, Ares Galaxy, Bitcomet, WarezP2P, DC++, eDonkey, eMule, BearShare, Kazaa, WinMX and Shareaza.

Free VPN For Anonymous Torrent Downloading

ItsHiddenAnonymous torrent downloading is one such feature that many paid and free VPN services like AceVPN often block, specialized free anonymous torrent downloading services like BitBlinder are not very fast and premium services like IPREDATOR requires paid subscription, however with new free anonymous torrent downloading VPN service "ItsHidden" everyone can enjoy secure private torrent downloads without paying anything.

VPN Configuration

The best part is that unlike other VPN services ItsHidden does not require any additional software and works by configuring your Operating system to connect via the secure encrypted VPN tunnel, the service is currently open to free signups and is under beta testing phase.

PUMP - Free Utility To Search, Download, Manage, Share And Sync Videos

PUMPThe company behind hybrid online file-storage service VIPeers is ready with their brand new all-in-one video downloading and management application PUMP, the free utility allows users to search, download, manage, share and sync videos from various streaming and torrent sites via an easy to use integrated interface.

PUMP Flowchart

PUMP can be described as an fusion of BitTorrent client, a browser, an RSS client, a download manager and a meta-search engine providing you an complete solution to search, download and share video content easily, the utility is currently under private beta and requires an invitation code to download, luckily we have been provided 1000 invite-codes for our blog readers to try things out.

Downloading BitTorrent Files Anonymously

BittorrentYour IP address can reveal a lot about you, and if you are concerned about privacy while downloading torrent files and surfing the web or are getting blocked because of internet censorship, using proxy servers and VPN services is an solution to the problem but both require paid services for fast access and bandwidth intensive usage, but not anymore as all new free internet anonymity service BitBlinder promises to protect your identity by hiding your IP address and allowing private web-browsing and torrent downloading at fast speeds.

The multi-platform, open-source application BitBlinder is currently in Beta and makes use of TOR network for creating encrypted anonymous connections between peers, every user is required to contribute by relaying data for others making the network fast and efficient.

Private Torrent Downloading

Smart Bittorrent Plugin Promises Faster Downloads

Faster Torrent DownloadingOno is a simple plugin for popular Bittorrent client Azureus to accelerate speeds upto 207% on average, according to the project developer team at Northwestern University’s AquaLab group:

Easy Torrent Downloading Using TorrentToExe

Torrent2ExeTorrent2Exe is a free online service allowing users to create standalone executables from .torrent files for easy single click file downloads for not so computer savvy users. The service comes in handy when you want to make someone download something off the bittorrent network but he or she is not comfortable with the protocol, you simply upload the torrent to Torrent2Exe for them and create a executable which can be shared with anyone to download that particular file with ease.


American Pie Beta House 2007 Leaked Before Release !!

Download American Pie Ever popular American Pie movie series has a new offering "American Pie : Beta House" the movie is supposed to get released on 27 December 2007 in USA (IMDB), the shocking news is that the movie somehow got leaked on torrents sites on 5th December, almost 25 days before the release date!

“Lust, Caution” - Movie Downloading Spreading Virus

P2P networks are once again getting targeted by fake video uploads intended to infect the user computer, we had done a similar story earlier on the blog - "3wPlayer Infected Video Files".

Crysis Cracked & Available For Download Before Store Date !

Crysis Full Version We have written about Crytek Crysis demo here - Crysis offers players a highly immersive FPS experience in which they will have to adapt their tactics, weaponry, armor and gameplay style to survive and defeat the alien invasion.

µTorrent 1.7.5 Released...

µTorrent got updated to version 1.7.5, the updates includes fixes for a rare crash bug with malformed UPnP response and downloads getting stalled in rare cases.

Download uTorrent Latest Version >>

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