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Stop Autoplay - Firefox Extension To Make Auto Playing Media On Webpages Play At Will

Block Background Music "Stop AutoPlay" is a free firefox extension to block annoying autoplay media on webpages like background sounds and auto-start movies, Stop Autoplay will stop the auto-loading media and allow you to control whether to play it or not.

Block Unwanted Sounds On A Webpage

To block the autoplay of the embedded media, you have two modes to choose:

  • Disable only the autoplay of the embedded media. In this case, the media file will still be loaded and embedded when page is loading. Press the Play button of the controller when you want.
  • Block the media when loading a page. It will be replaced by a red frame with a play button in the center. Click in the red frame to load and then play it.

It is advised not to use this extension with Flashblock extension for Firefox.

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