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Is Safe Torrenting Just a Myth?

In recent years, torrenting has gained unmatched popularity throughout the world. It is responsible for total internet traffic of approximately 3.35% with over 250 million monthly users worldwide sharing files through the BitTorrent file-sharing technology. With these impressive digits, it is no wonder it attracts a lot of controversies. The question that probably runs through everyone’s mind is ‘Is torrenting safe? And if so, to what extent?’ The answer to this question can be found by first understanding the world of torrenting then learning where to draw the line between what is safe and unsafe.

Is Torrenting Safe?

Torrenting should be approached with caution as it can be quite tempting. After all, you only need a computer and an internet connection, and you are good to go. Also, some of the torrent sites give the impression that there are no legal risks. Not so fast! Before you go about downloading files from the first torrent site you find, take time and understand how legal is legal.

Torrenting safety refers to first, how secure you are from malware? And secondly, is your privacy compromised? It would be a lie if we said that all files available on the internet are safe. Some of the torrent sites have files that contain toxic content which can damage your machine badly. Information on your IP address is also shared with the other peers leaving you vulnerable to hacking. You can, however, avoid such threats by opting for torrents from the best torrent sites that serve your P2P file sharing to the ideal extent.

Safe torrenting is possible, and it involves treading a very thin line. Here are some tips on safe torrenting.

VR App Development and Five Ways the VR Development Industry is Influencing the App Development Industry

VR App Development emerged as the front runner in the race with its unique capabilities of converting our humble smart devices across all platforms into Virtual Reality Devices. The industry has continued to develop over the last year or so and will continue to witness massive growth. It has improved continuously to streamline communication between companies and clients, and companies and its customers. This definitely explains the pivotal role VR App Development Companies play in the day to day world.

Why You Should Get Your Hands on this iPhone Spy App

You may come across situations when you wanted to monitor your child’s iPhone activity or keep a close on your partner’s online activity to find out if they are cheating on you. In such scenarios, using a credible iPhone spy app would be the right option for you.

How an iPhone Spy App Works?

Before we begin telling you why you should get your hands on an iPhone spy app, you need to understand what a spy app really does and how it works.


The Advantages of Investing in Bitcoin Roth IRA’s

Everybody knows that a good investment portfolio is a diverse investment portfolio. This means that you may want to consider looking into brand new opportunities. However, it is equally vital to never make any investments that you do not properly understand. Most of us now have at least a baseline of knowledge of what cryptocurrencies are, but that does not necessarily mean we also understand why they are so beneficial as an investment. Let's take a look at some of those reasons.

Alternative Online Payment Solutions to PayPal

Paypal Big
Source: Pixabay

The most popular online payment solution for sending and receiving payments is PayPal and, over the years, it has become the de facto online payment solution for merchants, customers and freelancers. Though a good number of people use PayPal for payment transactions, modern technology has enabled many people to invest in developing new payment technologies and pose a challenge to PayPal by offering low fees with secured and fast transactions.

Dealing With Common Mobile Annoyances

As much as we love our mobile devices, there is no denying that there can be some major pains when it comes to day-to-day operations. Given how much reliance we have on these little things for such important parts of our daily lives, it’s only natural that these little pains can build and feel like major annoyances. Having dealt with more than our share, both on our own devices and as the designated family tech support, we’ve decided to take a look at the most common problems which we see, in an attempt to make the overall experience a little better for everyone.

Trading Bots will Lend Stability to the Cryptocurrency Market

Trading Bots

Source: Twenty20

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading, similar to stock trading, is a mode of earning income from the financial markets. However, many bitcoin traders continue to view bitcoin trading as a side business rather than their main vocation. This may be largely due to the fact that bitcoin exchanges are not yet ready for the big time. Crypto-enthusiasts hope that the big and bulge-bracket financial firms will soon buy and sell bitcoin like any other asset such as stocks, bonds, gold, or currency. However, such trading would entail large volumes, scale, and scrutiny that crypto asset exchanges are not equipped to handle today. Many cryptocurrency exchanges are coming under strain due to home-grown technologies and they face costly technology upgrades or an ugly meltdown. Market shifts happen so fast that you could end up losing money if you don’t act fast. The explosion of trading bots has to be viewed against this background.


As an avid investor in cryptocurrency myself, I have seen many coins come and go in the very short time that blockchain has been in existence. A lot of coins claim that they can make blockchain technology better than what it currently is. DasCoin (DASC) is one such coin that appears to strive to make blockchain technology better. Its primary objective is to make the storage and exchange of cryptocurrency more viable for security and performance. DasCoin expects to accomplish this feat by implementing their own ecosystem known as the DasEcosystem. Access to the DasEcosystem is provided by Net Leaders, which empowers a network of users through various applications and services. Users can own a Net Leaders license that can allow them access to network cycles. DASC is considered a “store of value” coin that serves to bring all positive aspects of both a centralized and decentralized system and its main premise is to build a coin and system built on trust with the following principles: Liquidity, Utility, Security and Capital Appreciation. In this article, we will summarize some of the key features of DASC which outline the benefits of participating in the DasEcosystem.


DASC has implemented a “Proof of Value” system that assures that the distribution of coins is monitored by "cycles", which are directly purchased from a system license. This assures that coins cannot be distributed carelessly to executives or developers. With implementation of this system, the quantity is fixed at 8.5 billion which never increases. This way, a fair and equitable amount of coins is distributed among investors and developers.

VPNhub- Pornhub’s own unlimited and free VPN Service

VPNHubVPNhub is the latest unlimited and free VPN Service that you can easily trust without a doubt. The VPN lets you surf the internet and hide your information without a trace in the history. Pornhub has launched this fantastic VPN service with free and unlimited bandwidth so that you don’t fall prey to the eyes who are always peeping into your browser’s history.

The apps for the same are already available in the app stores of Android and iOS. The Windows and MacOS users would need a premium subscription for the same.


Like any other VPN service, it also helps the user in avoiding ISP-level website blocking or tracking and in keeping your browser activity private by encrypting your data, even if you are using a public Wi-Fi connection.

VPNhub never collects, stores, sells and shares your personal information with the third parties for their advertising, marketing, or research purposes. It is believed that Pornhub launched its VPN service because of the government regulations on adult content online in the countries like the United Kingdom. However, that doesn’t mean that VPNhub is limited to browsing Pornhub only. You can browse any of all the websites without worrying about being caught by someone.

FoneMonitor - A Reliable Smartphone Monitoring Tool

Phone SpyingWe live in a world where our lives revolve around the internet. We are only a click away from every information that we want. From the social media websites to the mobile applications, we can access everything with the internet. Our lives have become a lot sorted. Whenever there is confusion, ask use internet and get the solution.

There are also many illegal and adult websites that can be easily accessed by anyone. Being parents, you must keep an eye on the activities and the websites that your kids explore. If you want, you can control the activities of your kids on the internet.

Likewise, if you are running a business, there would be many employees working for you. At times, many employees waste time over chatting and sometimes, even ignore many of their official tasks just because they are busy chatting. As a result, their productivity in the official tasks is hampered.

But you don’t have to worry about these things when you can have FoneMonitor to keep knowledge of everything that your kids or employees do and then, make them realize their mistake. FoneMonitor lets you track phone effortlessly.

Phone Spying Features
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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