Dubbed as the biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone, Apple today announced the developer preview of Apple iOS 7 with immediate availability and final version for end-users version scheduled for fall release. The latest Apple iOS supporting iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad features an entirely revamped design with flat UI and lots of colors with "parallax" effect for the wow factor, updated apps, a new control center which gets launched by a bottom screen swipe, and a brand new WebOS card-style multitasking system.

Apple iOS 7 update will be available this fall to end-users for all device newer to iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad mini, and 5th-gen iPod touch, with few features not being available on iPhone 4 or iPad 2. Apple also launched a brand new iOS in the Car service, which is basically a trimmed down version of iOS 7 for car interface. Compatible dashboard systems in your car should now be able to sync with your iPhone 5 featuring Maps, audio-only FaceTime calls, music, Siri, or other useful nifty features. Do watch the official video of new features posted below.
iOS7 presentation by Ive
Am I the only one that think that when Ive presents, with all that rhetorical crap he pours out, it makes me feel a little sick. Ive's time has been and gone. The produce (iPhone x) has also past, its been superseded. All of the so called 'new' abilities of iOS7 are available in other platforms...
This is not to say that the product is beautifully made. Others make beautiful products. It's the user interface is king. This is where the iPhone always used to stand out......now it just looks tired.
Apple or Samsung?
This likes more Samsung than Apple... Why, Apple! You were so Great. Everyone thought That Samsung were copyring Apple, but now Apple copies Samsung?
Come on. Since Steve Jobs is died, Apple is gonna be badder and badder.....
New iPhone IOS 7 update looks cheap and child like
I agree the user interface looks Micky Mouse compared to the old interface, looks rather child like more like a kids toy, it's actually terrible i upgraded my nice sleek business style to this terrible child friendly design, maybe they are aiming this new update at kids rather than businessman, it's such an expensive phone that the quality needs to be very high and they seem to have dropped from the high standard to a low end product and they want to sell the iPhone 5 for £500+ crazy to think this design will inspire any one to buy an iPhone.
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