File-format incompatibility between Apple Mac OS and Microsoft Windows operating-systems is something every user faces utilizing both operating-systems. One such incompatibility is the disk-image format used by both operating-systems, while Apple Mac OS uses .CDR format Microsoft Windows utilizes the international disk-imaging standard .ISO, so you would need something to convert .CDR to .ISO file-format and vice-versa to use them under rival operating-systems. Luckily, the only difference between two is the file-extension, and all one needs to do is to change the .ISO/.CDR extension to make them work interchangeably without any real file-format conversion. We can also use this fact to make perfectly bootable USB disks from .CDR files from Windows and Linux using existing tools allowing cloning of .ISO format to USB.

To get any bootable .CDR disk image burned to USB all we need to do is to use a disk-cloner utility, for testing this I used the excellent, free HDD Raw Copy Tool to clone the Apple Mac OS bootable Disk Warrior .CDR image to make a working bootable USB disk drive from Windows. Simply pick the source (.CDR image) and destination (target USB disk) carefully and start cloning.

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