More and more cases on spying using electronic devices are coming into light, few days ago it was reported that NSA of USA is doing targeted spying by intercepting and bugging electronic devices with backdoors to users in their surveillance list. Many countries including USA and India have already banned Chinese technology in sensitive departments after fearing hidden backdoors which can be used for spying, we have also shared the news of Spyware Electric Kettles and Hidden Backdoor in Routers earlier on this blog.
This time the experts at the German security vendor GDATA have discovered dangerous computer malware in firmware of an Android device, the "N9500" model of Android smartphone which is produced by the Chinese manufacturer Star comes per-loaded with Spyware straight from the factory disguised as Google Play Store app giving it full access on the device.

It is also not possible to remove the manipulated app and the spyware as they are integrated deep into the firmware preventing removal. Large online retailers are still selling the Android device at prices ranging from 130 to 165 euros and distributing it across Europe.
The culprit
Android has always been accused for not being a very secure mobile OS. In most of the cases the apps were the culprit, which when detected can be removed from the device but here Chinese manufacturer Star is taking benefit of low security of Android platform.
Not all companies into android app development does this cheesy work of stealing data but those who do, does not stay for long in the industry.
Since one can't remove those apps from Chinese devices the only solution for people is to root it and use a custom ROM.
So glad I bought a brand name
So glad I bought a brand name android device over the much cheaper chinese knockoffs when I was shopping for one...
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