Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 15:35
After some promising news from MuscleNerd regarding successful porting of Comex userland jailbreak spirit to Apple iPad, things seem to
slowly coming into shape for a proper Apple iPad Jailbreak as iPad hacker 'cdevwill' today posted first-ever pictures of Cydia running successfully on a Apple iPad.

Not much details are available as of now, but 'cdevwill' twitted this first picture of Cydia on iPad thanking saurik (creator of Cydia) and DHowett for this promising clearer pictures and video soon.
I am pretty sure that eager Apple iPad users are waiting for an easy to follow method for installing Cydia on their iPad's unveiling it's true potential.
UPDATE : Here is a clear image showing Cydia on iPad

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