Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 05/19/2010 - 09:59
An electronic signature (eSignature) is an digital equivalent of a paper signature and is legally valid for many forms and agreements like US federal and state tax returns, now Adobe has came up with a new free online PDF signing service dubbed ADOBE eSIGNATURES allowing users to sign PDF documents online for free.

Documents signed using eSignatures are certified by Adobe to ensure that no one has modified them. When opening a electronically-signed document in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Professional it will show a blue ribbon to indicate that the PDF file has not been modified.
Adobe eSignatures Salient Features :
- Legal Validity - Electronic signatures have become increasingly common, since the ESign Act was signed into law by President Clinton in 2000. Most Americans now electronically sign their federal and state tax returns. If you have signed up for a bank account online or accepted a software license agreement when installing software, you have most likely used an electronic signature. Adobe eSignatures complies with both the ESign Act of 2000 and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).
- Trustworthiness - Adobe has been helping customers go paperless since our founding over 25 years ago. Adobe technology has been present in almost every milestone for digital signatures, since we started supporting them in 1999. Hundreds of customers in financial services, insurance, health care, pharmaceuticals, government, and other major enterprises rely on Adobe products and technology to get documents signed faster using electronic and digital signatures. The first digitally signed judicial order was executed using Adobe technology and the FY 2011 US Federal Budget was electronically certified using the same technology that underlies Adobe eSignatures.
- Integrity - With paper documents, often only the last page of the document is signed. Other pages of the document can easily be replaced. Unlike paper documents, when a document is executed using Adobe eSignatures, it is certified to provide additional assurance that the document has not changed since it was signed: you’ll see a blue ribbon at the top of the screen. If someone modifies a document after it has been signed, Adobe Reader & Acrobat will detect that something has changed and the blue ribbon will not appear.
Using Adobe eSignature is very easy as shown below :
Select and Upload the PDF document and specify the email address(es) of the others that need to sign

Send the document for signature. You may choose to sign the document first, or after everyone else has signed

Recipients are notified via email that a document is ready for signature

All parties will be notified when the document has been fully executed and can download a certified Adobe PDF copy to archive. Adobe will save the document for you upto six months.

Send the document for signature. You may choose to sign the document first, or after everyone else has signed

Recipients are notified via email that a document is ready for signature

All parties will be notified when the document has been fully executed and can download a certified Adobe PDF copy to archive. Adobe will save the document for you upto six months.

Website : Adobe eSignature >>
Seeing Adobe enter the market
Seeing Adobe enter the market validates what we’ve known for years—this is a huge market, and our SaaS-based product delivers tremendous value very quickly. Seeing Adobe abandon software-based electronic signature software in favor of this new service-based approach illustrates the rapid decline of software-based PKI digital signature solutions, which are too complex and costly to administer and manage. As the trusted leader in SaaS-based electronic signatures with over four million users, and the established standard in important markets like Financial Services and Real Estate (where the National Association for Realtors (NAR) has named DocuSign as the exclusive provider to the entire REALTOR market), we have a sizeable market lead over Adobe.
If you compare our service to the new Adobe service, it is immediately obvious that we have a sizable product lead also. DocuSign provides much more than just a signature. We also provide authentication, workflow, data collection and collaboration—all critical components of a business-class e-signature platform. The Adobe service has none of this. So we see this announcement as the best of both worlds. A large company just validated the market we created more than six years ago is huge, and it offers a solution that is not competitive. The awareness created by Adobe will accelerate DocuSign’s business even more.
As a user, I think the free
As a user, I think the free part is very competitive. The previous post sounds like someone is nervous...
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