Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 07:47
Few days ago a new exploit allowed developers to downgrade iPhone 3G baseband from 02.30.03 to 02.28.00 running Bootloader v 5.8, the hack allowed users with iPhone Firmware 2.2.1 to get their phones unlocked via Yellowsn0w after successfully downgrading the baseband, earlier the downgrading process required users to upload files via SSH and executing it via shell, the developers have now created an easy-to-use automated GUI for downgrading the iPhone 3G Baseband automatically with minimal user interaction.

To downgrade follow the steps below:
- Launch Cydia.
- Search for "3G Baseband Downgrade" and install it.
- After installing, launch application from Springboard and follow onscreen instructions.
- Restart your device to complete the process.
Whats mincom?
Hi, I want to find out if my phone have bootloaders 5.8 or 5.9? I have just purchased an iPhone 3G, but is has 2.2.1 software and I want to unlock it via YellowSn0w since thats the only possible way, right?
So how can I find out so I can use the Baseband Downgrade from Cydia?
reply to Anonymous on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 09:00.
If you only just bought your iphone the bootloader is almost certainly 5.9 :-(. Any iphone made after spetember 2008 was built with bootloader 5.9. I have the same issue on my iphone so i guess we're just gonna have to wait for devteam to figure out how to get past bootloader 5.9.
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