Here is yet another probable Windows 7 RC build leaked onto torrent portals, the latest Windows 7 copy to leak has a build tag 7106.0.090408-1623 but it is still to be verified as an genuine leak and not somebody faking the build tags, the screenshot below shows a Chinese version but English versions of the leak are also reported to be available and should soon spread like fire, the following English version build strings are reported to have been leaked and seen in wild :

Here is yet another screenshot of reported Windows 7 Build 7106 :
Image Courtesy : Sam Symons
I dont see the point in
I dont see the point in getting it, because my win7 is right behind it in version and is legal, lol.
I think I will just wait till something big is updated, like driver crashes and such. =]
Fertility Is Hereditary, Chances Are If Your Parents Didn't Have Children Neither Will You
Chinese or English
Is this new Build in Chinese or English?
The english version
I like the english version,when and where can i get it?
Chinese, Microsoft'll only
Chinese, Microsoft'll only offer Chinese applications and OS in the future.
lol. ------------------------
Fertility Is Hereditary, Chances Are If Your Parents Didn't Have Children Neither Will You
thanks man :)
Chinese is the future dude !
We better start learning chinese right now if we want to get good jobs.
windows 7 Englsih
Anyone know any website to get English version of windows 7 not on torrent.Please!
u wan W7.7106 Engrish?
Solly, no got, butt velly guud ChinWin, make u low price, $5 ... yes?
windows 7
Dostum bencede süper oldu bu system
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