Malware creators are getting smarter by the day using increasingly sophisticated Windows driver based infection techniques making malware removal a hard-task, Few days ago one of my computer started displaying SESSION5_INITIALIZATION_FAILED error resulting in an unbootable computer, However, I was able to boot into Windows XP using the "Last Known Good Configuration" option, But booting normally always resulted in the following BSOD error :
"A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent
damage to your computer.SESSION5_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart
your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps.Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software
manufacturer for any Windows updates you might need.If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or
software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable component, restart
your computer , press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options and the
select Safe Mode.Technical Information
STOP: 0x00000071(0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x0000 0000)"
Since I was able to boot into windows using the "Last Known Good Configuration" option, I was pretty sure this was a driver issue and went ahead updating all my drivers but no use, after testing every possible solution I performed a thorough Malware scan and to my surprise Malware Bytes detected 73 infected objects using very advanced infection techniques, this was pretty shocking as my Kaspersky Anti-virus never detected anything.

If you are facing similar error, follow the steps below to fix:
- Boot your computer using the "Last Known Good Configuration" option.
- Reset Windows TCP/IP for removing any network hooks using the netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt command at DOS prompt.
- Download and Run Winsock Fix to repair Winsock.
- Download Malware Bytes, Scan and clean all detected infections.
- Reboot and the problem should be fixed.
This worked for me
Thanks for this excelent post.
This fixed my problem and saved me a lot of time.
Can't get into windows
What if you can't get into windows at all? Last configuration does not work for me nor do any of the other boot options. I can use CD to do repair installation or recovery console but nothing else. Everything I have tried so far has left me with the same error. Will running the malware program on the drive as a slave in another computer work? I would rather not have to reformat but I am about at the end of ideas.
Malware Scan
Download the Kaspersky Rescue Disk and try scanning from it.
I must admit this has to be the most fruitful site on the internet and U are doing a terrific job.
If I may, my problem seems to be more or less of the same nature. But my blue creen gives win32.sys as the culprit. I tried renaming it as .old but the nest time I logged, another file ( win32.sys ) was there too in addition to the one I had renamed.
The usual error in capital letters is PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA
And in the end it also mentions something about beginning dump of physical memory and that the physical memory dump was complete.
I'd like to add that this happened in my previous HDD and I got another one and reinstalled XP ( SP 3 ) unfortunately with the same results
I don't believe in
Kaspersky Anti-virus...'cause many times OS simple crashed with this antivirus software. NOD32 is better form to my XP SP3 GOLD.
Did you ever tried these:
this VundoFix solved may of my problems similar to this one:)
thank you so much:D
thank you so much:D
System security scareware
After removing system security from a pc I was working on, the system began to give bsods after succusssfully removing the system security scareware. My options were to run chkdsk from the recovery console. Why doesn't the hell any of these named brand av solutions detect this bs?
My bsod said "unknown error" after a few restarts of it bsoding with the session5 initialization errors.
--Devz iPhone
for typical virus problems
for typical virus problems use a combo of avira and avg it worked d best for me wen my computer was infected with win32 heur trojan and all d fuckin forums were givin d a{ss)dvice 2 download and use hijackthis and send a log file and so on.....
Thank you!
thank you!
it worked for me in xp sp3
How did you get rid of BSOD --before-- running Mal-Ware?
Dear Admin, I have the same problem on Bootcamp, running XP-Pro Sp3. I got exactly the same BSOD, even with Last Good config.
But how did you get past the BSOD in order to run Mal-Ware? You left out that step.
Boot Error...
I did not left it, read it again :
"Since I was able to boot into windows using the 'Last Known Good Configuration' option.."
You can use bootable rescue CD like Kaspersky Rescue Disc.
antivirus and microsoft site blocked
i have same problem but ... but virus blocked malware/antivirus/microsoft site.
so i cant try it cos blocked.
hope i have others solution.
thanks for excellent tips
On My computer , when i press last known configuration, it sends me back to the BSOD (Blue screen of death)! What should i do?
replaced ntoskrnl.exe
I had the same problem described by admin. I could fix it by getting a working instance by starting with the "Last Known Good Configuration" option (with my Win XP CD inserted) and afterwards replacing the file c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe by the one found on the installation cd in the directory \i386. You have to expand it, because it's in a compressed state:
1. rename the existing file
2. expand d:\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
Now I was able to restart the PC and start again in "normal" mode and make intense scans for malware and virus infections.
Good work
It works for me on XP Home SP3 - just as described! Thank's a lot!
Thanks for posting this,
Thanks for posting this, helped a lot!
Many thanks!
After several attempts to "1. Boot your computer using the "Last Known Good Configuration" option", I was finally able to follow steps 2-5 of the original post.
The problem seems to be fixed now.
Thanks a lot!
what if you couldn't get back into windows at all, so came round to the notion "oh well it was due for a reinstall anyway" so therefore, reinstalled.
but only to find once its formatted and windows files copied, the restart happens...oh no BSOD rears its ugly blue face...well..screen!
what happened in the first place you may ask? i was just dropping off to sleep while watching a "megavideo" link. to then look at the screen just as it came out of full screen, only to see avg flash up with 3 infections...a trojan...possibly a loader...and something else. a total of 3-5secs before the whole system crashed to BSOD instantly restarting back to BSOD.
attempted the safe and last config's got the same result, had to go to bed cause of work the next day so left turned it off and off to bed/work.
got home retried then reinstalled...nothing, only the blue screen of death.
im now pondering buying a new HDD but if possible id rather not spend cash cause someone somewhere thinks its funny to unleash his horse of greekmen into my PC.
if anyone has anything that could possibly help me out of my crisis it'd be greatly welcomed.
bare in mind though my pc doesnt even have a full copy of windows yet cause the installation is only in stage 2.
Cheers, this worked for me,
Cheers, this worked for me, better than the dreaded re-installation I thought I might need.
Getsuga, ever considered you have a corrupted disk or dodgy DVD drive.
You might try getting a boot editor to destroy the boot partition and may the install think it is a new disk.
*(If you are facing similar
*(If you are facing similar error, follow the steps below to fix:
1.Boot your computer using the "Last Known Good Configuration" option.
2.Reset Windows TCP/IP for removing any network hooks using the netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt command at DOS prompt.
3.Download and Run Winsock Fix to repair Winsock.
4.Download Malware Bytes, Scan and clean all detected infections.
5.Reboot and the problem should be fixed.)*
Thanks for the GREAT solution, this fix work like a charm.
Thank you.Very..Very...much...!!!It really solved my big problem.
Thanks again...!!!
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