Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Fri, 11/28/2008 - 09:57
After reading the story title you might be thinking how can this be useful, although not much useful writing text upside-down can come in handy for creating strong passwords, encrypted download links, and cool geeky profile names.

There exist numerous free online services offering this simple flipped-text effect like - FlipTitle, FlipText.Org and FlipText.Net to name a few, the effect makes use of UNICODE characters to work and can be used in applications and online services supporting Unicode, You can also create this flip-text effect on your own website using this simple javascript.
Venkat Koduru
Hey, could you also add a link to It's my favorite upside-down text website by far.
is the best
is the best
Thanks for the info but you
Thanks for the info but you should try a as it offers upside down text, backward text and also 10+ weird text generators.
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