We have written about quite a few Free VOIP service providers here, most of them required users to download desktop applications to work and had calling limitations, but our latest share FreeRinger is an exception, the ad-supported web-based flash VOIP service allows users to call cellphones and landlines phones of more then 30 international destinations including USA, UK and Canada for free without any limits.

The whole process is pretty simple all you have to do is to register for a free account and follow the simple calling procedure as below.
If this phone number is not listed on your roster, a subscription process will be initiated and new contact will be created, Upon success a new Talkster number will be allocated for your friend to reach you back on the web. A phone call will be placed to your friend's phone number and you will hear a voice prompt informing you on call progress. Once connected, you will have 10 seconds to tell your friend to call you right back to their Talkster number, while you are staying on hold and waiting. Your friend will learn their Talkster number from: a) SMS message sent during subscription, b) CallerID displayed to them, c) you can tell them their Talkster number, After your friend calls you back, the system will connect you both again and you may talk as much as you want.
FreeRinger also allows you to use handy Speed dial hyper-links for fast dialing and posting on websites and blogs, You can initiate calls instantly by using these speed dial links, for example launching http://freeringer.biz?callto=1-800-GOOG-411 in your browser will automatically initiate a call to 1-800-GOOG-411 (Google Directory), add to that you can also embed the flash dialer right inside you blog pages and websites as shown below.
Call Now Using The Widget Below
this workz
this works & it is great
thanks so much for this link!
It's stupid
Why do you say it's free when it's not?
I wanted to call my grandparents in USA but 10 seconds weren't enough to give them another number and explain to them that I can be reached by calling me there, knowing that "if" they got sms they can't read it, so it was completely useless.
I agree
Free ringer is great but u can only call or 10 seconds after those ten seconds are over in free ringer it pretends to call again and repeats the same thing u said in those ten seconds
the no dat u've provided isn't workng while calling from dat end
the no dat u've provided isn't workng while calling from dat end
i dont know why is that
Doesn't work idk why !! Huhhh
Doesn't work idk why !! Huhhh
really this is not free and
really this is not free and free is misguiding advertisement
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