Cloud computing has made massive computing resources to be available instantly to users with a single command. The always available, on-demand computing infrastructure comes specially handy for developers as it allows them to create and destroy development instances easily. One of the major benefit of cloud computing is you only pay for what you use, so when you are not working on a cloud-computing instance it can be powered-down and no computing cost will be charged. One drawback/annoyance of using this strategy is that the "publicly addressable" IP address will change with every reboot, to get past this we will show you how to use an automatically updated free dynamic dns system so you don't get bothered about the changing IP address anymore.

For this demonstration we will be using NoIP Free DDNS service and IP update client on a Amazon EC2 cloud instance :
- Register and get yourself a free sub-domain from
- Open a console to your Cloud computing instance, and input following command to download and configure the NoIP DDNS Client For Linux.
cd /usr/local/src wget tar xzf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz cd no-ip-2.1.9 sudo make sudo make install


Thanks for featuring No-IP!
Thanks for featuring No-IP! We appreciate it.
how to "Open a console to
how to "Open a console to your Cloud computing instance, and input following command to download and configure the NoIP DDNS Client For Linux."??
If you are using Amazon EC2 use this - for others read their documentation.
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