Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sat, 08/28/2010 - 14:07
"TuneUp Utilities" is a well-known software and you must have came across it if you ever quested for a complete PC maintenance utility suite, we have posted tips on grabbing a fully-functional legal versions of this utility suite regularly i.e. TuneUp Utilities 2007, TuneUp Utilities 2008, and now it's time to grab a personal registration key for TuneUp Utilities 2009 absolutely free.

To grab a full-version copy of TuneUp Utilities 2009 with a genuine personal registration license key follow the steps below :
- Goto CDA Verlag Covermount TuneUp Utilities 2009 promotional giveaway page here and enter your email address.
- Fill-in the image verification field and click the yellow button to submit the form.
- You will be prompted to re-enter your email address, do so and continue.
- Few minutes later you will receive an email, click the activation link and you will be directed to a page having your personal TuneUp Utilities 2009 registration key.
- Download TuneUp Utilities 2009 English Version Setup from here (or HotFile ) and use the key to register unlocking the full-version.

Pls. do note that this promo seems to be posted for German magazine "CDA-Verlag" readers and might not be legal for use by others.
Nice find, ML.
Thanks! x
Nice! thank you very much
Nice! thank you very much
Thank you
Thank you
Tuneup utilities
I'm having problems to getting to the website, been trying to connect for over an hour
Again tried to Full version of Tuneup utilities 2008 / 2009
Au 29
Ok got the German Link, Filled all that was Reuired, An hour later, was emailed the Full Version Key - COOL ! Downloaded TuneUp utilities again (4 th time) but the Code I got will not fit into requird spaces. I am allowed 5 But it only fills 4. I guess Canadians can not do it... Maybe it only works for the HYO ? What a waste of a Sunday, 8 Hours I will never get Back. I have Tried all sorts of ways to do it. This is not the first time a MegaLeecher Product did not work fotr me.
P.S. No uninstall Program for it... And by the Way, a Friend of mine tried the Crack key for Windows 7, it worked, an hour later he got a validation Update from Microsoft he did it and Killed his system Wiped out 20 Gig of saved data and he works as a senior programmer.
my com is now very slow due
my com is now very slow due to this software. THIS IS A SCAM ... IT MAKES YOUR COMPUTER WORSE> anyways wht benefit these ppl get from giving all these softwares for free. NOTHING !! its just to mess up YOUR COM!!
Doesn't support Windows 7 si
Doesn't support Windows 7 si it won;t install.
I tak it all back... Working on it and Finagling all
Aug 29
Well now, Hhere again 2nd Post & I got it !!! I am happy Camper... I Got the german Link filled it out I was Emailed and sent another Full Product Code. So I Downloaded the Tune up "2009" and The 2nd Product code worked, I do not what was happing before But Megaleecher - I take it all Back... Thanks A lot but what an ordeal. I hope it is Gtreat Prdict and I will be trying it soon...
P.S. of anybody is having trouble Email me and I tell you how to do it.
working 100% hurry!!!
Tuneup 2009 didn't work with 64 bit and windows 7?
Tuneup 2009 didn't work with 64 bit and windows 7? Is there anyway to get it to work I would like to try it.
Thanks Giving
Good Day.. and Tune-up Team.
I have a Tune-up Utilities 2009 software and i found out that this Utilities is Effective But My Tune-up Software is a trial Version. Now i will unlocked it because of this promotion..
Thank You Very Much.
Agunimon Kanbara
Digiteam Electronics 2009
This is for sure!!! Tune up
This is for sure!!! Tune up 2009 is not supported by window 7. Therefore if your system is win 7 don`t waste your time. Leave for others who have XP and Vista.
Thank u so much.
can i gat it?
can i gat it?
tune up 2009 free download
tune up 2009 free download
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