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Free International SMS Messaging Service From Web, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod And iPad

Everybody loves free stuff and for today's cellphone centric society having a free international SMS texting service would definitely come-in handy. New service Heywire does exactly this and even allots you a REAL phone number allowing users to send and receive free text messages internationally, currently supporting free SMS messages to 114 countries through 360 mobile operators with plans to expand network to 193 countries and 850 mobile operators by end of this year. Heywire is currently available for iPhone, iPod, iPad, PC, and Mac with Android, Google TV, Blackberry and Online portal support launching soon.

Heywire SMS Number
Heywire iPhone SMS App

iPhone International SMS App

Heywire Global Free SMS Reach

Gloabal Coverage Map

Heywire can be downloaded from official website at -



i want to try your product first...

Seems that only iPhone supported for now.

hello dear


It seems that even you write it is for PC, we can not download anduse it without Android system. So please tell us why.Only a few small laptops have Android installed. and they are useless.

This f$$king b##ch is nt working i cant download it even i have Itunes still its telling that it could see Itunes on my system, f*****ng error/.....

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