Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Fri, 04/22/2011 - 14:58
Want to enjoy the sleek Mac OS X user-interface without installing Mac OS X on your PC, thanks to theme-packs like "Mac OS X Transformation Pack For Windows XP" the same is possible on your existing Windows 7 installation.

This Mac OS X Lion Transformation Pack supports all language versions of Windows 7 on both X86(32Bit) and X64(64Bit) architecture.
Download Mac OS X Lion Transformation Pack For Windows 7 :
Works except for the mac
Works except for the mac taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Doesn't show up for me.
how i can disinstall it?? i
how i can uninstall it?? i can't disinstall it!!!!! plz help me...
Fail theme
Didn't worked for me and screwed my desktop of Win 7 - 64bit. Took me a while to even uninstall it manually.
we want windows 7
we want windows 7
Help Please?
Installed perfectly, until after reboot. 2 pop-ups saying "leftsider64" not found and "VirtuaWin" error.. Help please? Other than that, everything seems to work just fine.
I am confused.
Why the hell I want to emulate MAC OS in Windows 7?
Why people do this kind of stuff ?
Go buy a MAC, by the love of GOD.
If you're note happy with Microsoft, go away. Let us be happy with our magnificent W7.
I have ready windows 7 but
I have ready windows 7 but now I looking for window 8, may I can be sent windows 8. thanks guys
do not download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hea friends dont download this stuff it will spoil your windows 7 after uninstalling it some of its file do not go away & that will make your os slower ...
Do A restore point FIRST!
Do A restore point FIRST!
wer to download
how can i download the mac osx transformation pack for windows 7 can any one tell it
any WinXP version?
any WinXP version?
just 4 one juser?
Does anyone knew if it is possible to install this Pack for just one user? so if my brother or someone else loged in in the same comphuter does he then got the normal Win7? thanks 4 advise.
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