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Free One Year Premium Subscription For ONSPEED Web Accelerator Worth $49

ONSPEEDYuvaYantra - the Indian software portal offered free Kaspersky Anti-Virus keys a few months ago and now they are offering 100% free genuine one year license for ONSPEED Web Accelerator, the popular web-acceleration software from ONSPEED offers upto 10x speed gain on Dial-up connection and upto 5x on Broadband connection achieved using proxy based compression between your computer and the website server.

ONSPEED Web Accelerator
Onspeed Premium Web Accelerator compresses the following elements of web pages and email in order to send the information to your computer faster:

* Web pages - HTML markup and JavaScript
* Graphics including JPEG and GIF images
* Passive FTP
* E-mail - SMTP, POP, IMAP (including file attachments!)

What will not be accelerated?

* Although Onspeed Premium Web accelerator is able to compress many different types of online data, there are a few which cannot be accelerated: Streaming media, audio and video files
* Secure pages, such as those used for online banking and credit card forms

ONSPEED Compression

The offer requires you to Signup or Login via your free YuvaYantra account and complete the order process as shown below.

Step by step procedure :

  1. Visit YuvaYantra homepage.
  2. Click the free ONSPEED Web Accelerator banner.
  3. Login to your account or signup for one free (recommended for future offers).
  4. Follow the simple process by clicking Next.

  5. Download the special YuvaYantra version of the software from here.
  6. Install and Enjoy.

You will need to enter your YuvaYantra login details after system restart to start using the service.


Can't sign up. only for India IP's. gay :(

You can signup via an Indian proxy but the problem is that this is an indian specific version having indian server acting as the compression proxy, the proxy is configurable so I guess you can download this and try changing it your local ONSPEED compression proxy.

don't know how to do that, so i guess i'll pass :(

Thank you it is working here :)

In the main page it was written as Rs 90. Whats with the $49???

Its $49 at ONSPEED official website -


I would love to get this but I can't find a working proxy. Anyone found one tried and true? If so please put the link here.

use this proxy to enter to the site

have fun

how to changing local ONSPEED compression proxy ?


i already signup but i can't get it.
I thinks the free account is closed.

Please anyone share the onspeed account.
send to

i really need one.

thx before

i signed up but i got this error on onspeed "ONSPEED cannot be started due to an internal application error. Try restarting your machine and re-launching ONSPEED. If this problem persists, contact ONSPEED."


i signed up but i got this error on onspeed "ONSPEED cannot be started due to an internal application error. Try restarting your machine and re-launching ONSPEED. If this problem persists, contact ONSPEED."


I tried the proxy in above comments but couldn't enter yuvayantra!!
I really need to login with onspeed!
If anybody send me login user/pass I'll share my rapidleech server with 1gig space and 10gig transfer as a thank you!

Thanks Nice Indian Guys!

mailto sasan_blue2020 (at)

I downloaded it with this proxy

"I downloaded it with this proxy"
it dosent work !!! ,It DOES work ,I tried it with firefox


can anyone help me ONSPEED account login,i tried register free accont but stil not avail. hope you might help here and i'll be glad if you could email the account here:

I tried signing up for the onspeed free account but not working... Plz can any one just share one with me plezzzzzzzzz.... I will like you to send me the login details to

any one want it only 10$ on alertpay only

please let your email and reply


can email me?


can anyone help me ONSPEED account login,i tried register free accont but stil not avail. hope you might help here and i'll be glad if you could email the account here:

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