Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 07:51
VisualCV is the next generation of online resume services, VisualCV makes your resume come alive with interactive features letting you add video, pictures, audio-clips, work samples and other supporting documents. Informational pop-ups provide background data on the companies you’ve worked at and the colleges you’ve attended.

VisulCV not only let you make presentable resumes but also provide options to securely share different versions of your resume with your network of employers, colleagues and friends, controlling who sees what, With all these great features VisulCV is one of the best free online resume creators currently available.
What I like about VisualCV is that it not only allows to create informative resumes, but also gives you an opportunity to send it without using any other programmes, which is very convenient and fast.
Which is very convenient and fast.
flyer design
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