Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 12:03
Free online SMS messaging portals are very popular specially amongst teenagers, We had shared one such free international SMS portal recently and it still works pretty well, However, if you are looking for something which works well with group-messaging then Way2SMS would be the answer for free messaging within India, and now we have a neat utility to send free text-messages right from our Desktop via free Way2SMS account.

Simply, download the free utility from here and run it (needs .Net Framework 2.0) - provide your Way2SMS login details and enjoy sending free group text-messages right from your desktop with utmost ease.
the download link is not valid,please update
value that bind
Invalid Download link..
Working Working Working Working
I downloaded it, it's working nice, and fast too, easily editable contact list.. simple and simply superb.. easy to operate..
the download link was ok and
the download link was ok
and software is also working well and smooth
it is realy a helpful software
.net framework 2.0
how to install .net framework 2.0
& from where i can get
nice post
This is a very useful tool.. thanks a lot
it may seem suspicous, but prolly its nothing harmful
its connecting to, which has no relation with
if you follow up the associated URL, you reach here:
the author is just using another person's server to send the sms.
the license says its GPL, so where is the source code ?
Its not working
Its not working at all.
1st thing I would luv to see in ur application is a button "Internet Explorer settings" this button should automatically fetch all proxy settings from IE or FireFox.
2nd thing is to put in ur email ID so that a person can contact u, bcoz I had a REAL tough time to re-locate this page again after closing my IE window. :)
3rd thing I saw was that the user is not told to add country code into the mobile number(contacts). There is no "help" link/button for the user to refer all features & help of this wonderful application u had made.
4th thing... U have done a WONDERFUL JOB. 5 out of 5 for u. :)
It stopped working now
It worked, It was amazing, but now it stopped working :(, what may be the reason?
pls help me on
ive made a new app which can send doesnt use ne directly connects to d way2sms Server...........
HERE IS THE LINK: desktop.rar
send ur feedback on
how to create?
hey can you tel me how you have create this application?
International SMS
Am trying to send International SMS using Way2SMS, however am unable to do so. The application does not take the complete mobile number, please advise if any of you have used the same for the international sms.
Updated application and
Updated application and client DLL(for developers)
Careful buddys, the connection in the software are bugged, therefore taking risk for a easy way to sms is not a good idea.
These are the cheaters. I download the application but it not works...
Do not take risk..... - Free unlimited 4 minutes of calls and 460 chars SMS t
Hello friend this is exciting site that provides free calls of 4 minutes to anywhere in India. It provides 20 minutes daily. It also provides you free 460 character SMS. which is extint now.
To enjoy this site which is completly free.
1.. Visit here
2. Register with new a/c
3. You will get four digit password by sms to your mobile
Login with your password
5. Click on Make call from top menu
6. Enter number and contiue
7. Click call now first fcall will call you, once you pick it will call to second number
8. Enjoy 4 minutes taking
9. Also try 460 character SMS.
Additional Feature :
Mobile Tracking
Ip tracking
Great thing about
Crstal clear voice
No waiting in queue
4 minutes of calling.
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