Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 06:26
One of the most anticipated feature of upcoming Adobe Photoshop CS5 release is it's content-aware PatchMatch fill feature, however the very same feature is available in free, multi-platform, open-source graphic editor GIMP right now via Resynthesizer plugin.

Surprisingly, this free plugin has been available to GIMP users for years which Adobe Photoshop is going to release in it's upcoming major software upgrade.
GIMP Resynthesizer Plugin In Action Doing Fast And Easy Content Aware Fill

GIMP Resynthesizer Video Demo
Download Resynthesizer plugin for GIMP :
images via Nicu Buculei
Gimp 2.6.8
Ive downloaded the 2.6.8 and 2.6.7 and none have this option not even the option to download the plugin,
What version does have the Script-Fu on the tool-bar.
This is horrible..
This is horrible..
Very bad plugin. Slow and
Very bad plugin. Slow and gives horrible results.
very cool plugin
it was very helpfull and a good shortcut for me...
time waste dont use this
time waste dont use this plugin
Time Wasted with Photoshop
...hmm seems that named peoples here === no problem with resynth plugin for GIMP.
For the million of Anonymous on this world will work probably ..never.
This plugin has a secret rule - no "noname" allowed ! - so time as you don't have a name it will not work for you.
And because it's a lost cause for you Anonymous, go quick buy PS CS-5.5 from next corner KFC and send some greetings to mr. Nack from my side.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0 + keygen + Patch + Instru
This was so extremely helpful
This was so extremely helpful and will save time how does it work in Adobe Photoshop CC though?
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