Fearing motion sensing technologies developed by rivals like Microsoft Kinect and Opera Face Gestures, Google has now came up with their very own motion-sensing technology allowing users to control Gmail using body gestures.
Named "Gmail Motion BETA" the technology aims to provide an alternative to keyboard and mouse used traditionally for human-computer interaction, Gmail Motion recognizes users body movements using computer's built-in webcam and Google's patented "spatial tracking technology" effectively translating them into meaningful characters and commands. Movements are designed to be simple and intuitive for people of all skill levels. The company also plans to expand the new motion detection technology to Google Docs (Google Docs Motion) later this year.

A complete walk-through of this new feature including images, videos, and available gestures are posted below.
Gmail Motion Controls
Google Docs Motion
Creating A Pie Chart In Google Docs Motion - Easy As Pie !
Enjoyed, don't forget to share this great news with your friends and have them benefit.
April Fool
Look at the gestures......
Googlers are making you April Fool
April fools
This is an April Fool Prank by Google!
This is a Prank! Not a real deal.... LOL... Remember this http://www.google.com/tisp/
Same thing! PRANK and You fell for it... :D
In before, April fool.
In before, April fool.
April Fool
LOL. It got me~!
Happy April Fool!
April Fools!
Gmail Motion doesn't actually exist. At least not yet...
Okay, now you can login to Gmail or close this silly box.
Gmail Motion Beta
Gmail Motion doesn't exist, its merely an April Fools prank from Google and it almost got me too :)
I tested this myself, Gmail Motion is awesome.
P.S. - Pls. check post tags :)
April Fool !!
This is another of the Google April Fool elaborately made up jokes.
this is na april fool joke
this is na april fool joke dude
Happy April's Fools Day
Happy April's Fools Day, anyway why would sum1 wanna use body motion on this simple-mouse-clicking app?
it is not April Fool
One thing is missing facial expression e.g. happy, sad, confuse, angry , mad, cry, etc that is important with body expression.
I had told google about it.
April Fool
For a sec I was just thinking can it really be true haha and what will it look like.
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