Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sat, 06/04/2011 - 06:17
Regular computer usage can lead to various health problems and maintaining a good working posture and doing exercise helps a lot to counter the health hazard, here is how a geek meditation session goes :).

Geek Meditation
Ha ha (burp).
Geek Meditation session results.
I think the statement should have been phrased with 'Constant computer usage will lead to various health problems.'
I've had this happen.
what I did to resolve the situation:
stop playing mmorpg's,
create a hobby where physical activity is involved. (not a fan of sports, I like to tinker around learning things which involves lifting and moving around and bending (ohh crap it's mediocre exersice) latest tinkering endevour (that's my other area I treat like my computer only I stand and etc..))
clean up after yourself (used to live in my parents basement. only slightly cleaned up enough to be able to move from my computer to my bed. basically pushed things to create paths. the food creates mold especially in your parents basement making you more unhealthy since all you do is sit at the computer breathing in black mold)
go outside (I like to walk around the woods, even in shady areas you're still absorbing sunlight which enables vitamin D absorbtion which inturn makes you feel decent)
smile (when you're around people just smile regardless if you think they're inferior like the majority of people. smiling increases seritonin levels creating a sense of well-being and actual happiness. what you think I'm lying. stop thinking yourself as superior you stupid nerd, you must try it)
eh. don't feel like typing anymore need to grab another beer.
Great i love the pic.
Great i love the pic.
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