We reviewed build of Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Beta earlier and it had a lot of issues on my configuration, thankfully newer builds are getting released fast fixing bugs reported by users. However, when you try to install a newer build on an existing installation the KIS 2012 BETA installer refuses to install the application displaying "Internal Error 2771" error, after trying things here and there I was able to install the new build.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Installation Errors :
Internal Error 2771, SandboxFeature
Internal Error 2771, WholeProductFeature

To get past these errors all you need to do is to uninstall the previous build completely and reinstall using the newer build setup.
Salve ho comperato Kaspersky
Salve ho comperato Kaspersky ma avendo nel pc la versione prova non ho disinstallato questultima e adesso mi da l'errore " 2771 virtual keyboardfeature" come devo pare se Kaspersky non mi chiede il codice di attivazione?..
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