Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 14:05
Indian Premier League 2010 (IPL) cricket season is going to start this March featuring 60 matches over 45 days at various locations in India, if you are a cricket fan and have been hunting for live cricket match video stream links in past their is some exciting news for you as IPL 2010 is going to be streamed LIVE officially on YouTube for free.

With an exclusive two year deal for streaming all matches of IPL, YouTube is all set to offer it's first-ever major sporting event to be streamed live via their platform, the live video feed shown on YouTube will be exclusive not available anywhere else.
watch cricket
"Watch...Cricket Matches..." You're kidding, right?
Well IPL 7 can be watched
Well IPL 7 can be watched online on official youtube channel of Indiatimes i.e. and also it can be viewed live on will also stream live streaming of all the matches of IPL 2014.
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