Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 11:29
Affordable Yu series Android phones from the house of Micromax are very popular in India and have a decent fan following of their own. Despite being offered with decent quality hardware and updated software at very competetive rates, as with other gadgets these mobiles also have issues of their own, - like the famous black screen bug in Yu Yureka, which we shared a fix earlier.
Having a custom recovery like TWRP installed comes very handy for nandroid backup, restore, wiping cache easily and even flashing custom ROM's easily. Here is how to install TWRP custom recovery on Yu Yuphoria phone the easily.

Steps to unlock Yu Yuphoria bootloader and install TWRP custom recovery:
- Go to Settings -> About Phone -> Scroll down and tap build number 7-10 times until you see a ‘You are now a developer’.
- Press back -> Toggle ‘Developer Options’ to ON -> Scroll down and turn on USB Debugging.
- Download and install ADB + Fastboot from here - adb-setup-1.4.3.exe [9.17 MB]
- Once installed open a command-prompt with adminstrative rights in folder where ADB is installed, most probabaly c:\adb
- Now, Power Off your phone.
- While keeping the Volume Up key pressed, connect your phone to the PC/Laptop via USB cable.
- You should now be at a black screen with ‘Fastboot Mode’ written in the middle. Your computer should now install fastboot drivers, let the process finish.
- Once driver installation finishes, type-in the following fastboot commands one after another as also shown below. If your device is not getting detected after first command make sure you try good-quality USB cable and have USB port with good connectivity/power. It took me three cables to get my friends device detected.
- Now download and extract file TWRP_3.0.2-0_lettuce.img [23.6MB]
from - to the ADB folder. - Go back to fastboot mode and flash TWRP recovery image using following commands:
- If you see the process getting succesfully finished, you are done.
- To get Yu Yuphoria boot into Recovery mode, shutdown the phone and keep Volume Down + Power key pressed untill you see TWRP.
Fastboot command sequence to unlock the bootloader and reboot the phone:
fastboot -i 0x2A96 devices
fastboot -i 0x2A96 oem unlock
fastboot -i 0x2A96 reboot
fastboot -i 0x2A96 oem unlock
fastboot -i 0x2A96 reboot

Fastboot command sequence to flash custom recovery:
fastboot -i 0x2A96 flash recovery twrp_3.0.2-0_lettuce.img

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