Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 12:54
As scheduled Internet Explore 9 Beta launch event is hours away, it is crucial to see how IE9 Beta performs on user expectations deciding the future of web-browser wars. If you are keen to watch the launch event online you can tune into the live webcast streaming at the links provided below.

The event will be made available live as an webcast on Wednesday, 10:30am PST, for mapping this time to your local time visit here.
Internet Explorer 9 Beta Launch Event Live Streaming Links :
Live Internet Explorer 9 Beta Buzz
IE9 Beta Version 9.15.10
With Microsoft's spotless record for introducing product that doesn't work who in their right mind would even thing of trying a Beta from them? Do not "Color me Stupid"! I only use IE for Windows Update. I use, and love, Google Chrome. IT SCREAMS compared to IE 7 or 8, And who is the greater target for Hackers IE or Chrome? Just look at all the malicious software updates we have downloaded just this year alone.
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