Kaspersky develops some of the best security software products and popular Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 and Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 are two software's to prove this, the leading security software vendor Kaspersky is now all set to take-on new security challenges with its upcoming security software suites - Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 and Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010.
Apart from the new GUI, the latest beta version features faster scanning and a new SandBox functionality which allows safe and anonymous execution of any application inside the virtual environment.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 and Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 are in beta right-now and it is strongly recommended to use this only for testing purpose and not for production use.
Direct Download Links :
download links are broken...
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 And KAV 2010 Download Links
Links checked, working fine.
the link is working fine but
the link is working fine but i went to the kaspersky site and do not find the beta version, so i was just wondering if this a fake or real?
Its Real...
Check the Beta forum - http://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?showforum=16
Did this beta must have license?
Where should I get the beta license???
not word with windows 7
not word with windows 7
Licence Key ?
does this version of kaspersky need a licence key ? If yes . could someone please provide one ?
license key, please?
I want the license key for kaspersky 2010 beta anti-virus
give it to:golden_boyz99rich@yahoo.co.id
is update from net possible
is update from net possible
I want the license key for kaspersky 2010 beta anti-virus
give it to: nykwiz@gmail.com
i have the kaspersky license if every one want to give it :
""""""greadest hacker""""""":)
required avasta updates
plz plz i want avasta uptates
Kaspersky Fan
This is still beta and not recommended for the average user.
Having said that the point of using this program is to report absolutely all the bugs you can find a report it to Kaspersky Forum.
kaspersky license key crack
hi..i want kaspersky license key crack a.s.a.p. can u give it to me??? limie84@gmail.com
hi....i also want key plz
hi....i also want key plz send my id is akshaygoyal20@gmail.com
plz give me a key for
plz give me a key for kis2010
to mr_shah6271@yahoo.com...plzzzzz...
badly need it
I want the license key for kaspersky 2010 anti-virus
send it to:elpinili17@yahoo.com
tnx a lot.
i need key of kaspersky
i need key of kaspersky version 2010(
plz, send me to my e mail id : suresh_paladi@yahoo.co.in
plz, send me.............
tnx a lot.
linked are broken...
activation key
i want the kaspersky activation key for the 2010 beta version can you please send it to
Key needed
Hii ..i want a key for KIS 2010 ..could you please email to mvamshi_2345@yahoo.com
Badly need the activation code for Kis 2010 Beta. kindly send it to Suman.hassan95@gmail.com
give for me
i want the kaspersky activation key for the 2010 beta version can you please send it to
beta key
you could find a "how to" for beta key kaspersky 2010.
this is a french site, but go down and clik on US flag
or itz real want license key plz ravirulz1@gmail.com
KAV 2010
pls send KAV 2010 key or the link to me at benghua86@hotmail.com
please help i need an
please help i need an activation key for kaspersky version 2010 (kav send it to my email address ioketch@gmail.com. thx.
kaspersky beta
can anyone send me an activition key for kaspersky version 2010 (kav9.0.0.736) please sent it to my email address at fastaker02800@gmail.com
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