MagSafe is an patented magnetic conector system from Apple which allows safe disconnecion of cables when tripped over, the system protects against accidental damage to the device, plug and users by safely disengaging the cable when someone trips over the cord.
Regular earphone users face similar issues with it's cord accidentally getting caught upon on a door handle, or other similar situations like tripping your phone along with the connected cable. A simple solution to the problem is as suggested by the "Concept Pogo Addon" for your headphones, which uses the same magnetic connector concept like Apple MagSafe, as shown the video posted ahead.

While this is just an concept, the idea can really be a hit. The only hurdle remains is the Apple patent for the "magnetic connector" technology.
... Personally it's not so
... Personally it's not so much getting the cable stuck in the door handle and risk dropping the device... if it's properly secured in your pocket, it should just tug on your ears and you can easily unstuck it. For me it's getting the cable stuck on a nail or something and have the cable rip open/breaking the earphones.
Love apple
I'm always love apple product which focus into end user.
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