Few days ago I posted about early beta build of Windows Vista SP2 being released to private beta testers, and as usual we now have a simple hack which allows users to get their hands on this pre-build of Windows Vista Service Pack 2 before everybody else directly from Windows Update servers.

To enable the early download access hack simply follow the procedure as described:
- Copy the following batch file code to a text file and save as "Download-Vista-SP2.bat", alternatively you can download this batch file here.
- Double-click and launch the batch file to apply the hack.
- Now, start Windows Update and you should see the Vista Service Pack 2 there.
@echo off
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp2 /f > NUL 2>&1
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP2 /f > NUL 2>&1reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp2 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d C21A5C64-2530-CC19-042F-9ABDB4ED27F9 /f
IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( goto ERROR)UCCESS
echo ================================================== =========
echo Windows Vista SP2 registry key has been set successfully.
echo Please check for updates in Windows Update.
echo ================================================== =========
echo ================================================== =========
echo FAILED to set Windows Vista SP2 registry keys.
echo Please run this script by right clicking and selecting
echo "Run as Administrator".
echo ================================================== =========
goto END:END
All credits for this hack goes to dancomhosting at Neowin, this code is posted for educational purposes only using unreleased versions of Service packs is not recommended and can be harmful for your computer.
Thanx gr8 Tip. Will try it
Thanx gr8 Tip.
Will try it
It is a good method to try vista sp2 ,but I think that the sp2 beta may be unstable.
I scared the sp2 kill my PC :( would you?
I await Win7 more than SP2.
SP2 Beta works fine
Just installed Vista SP2 beta - not problems, noticable sppedup of PC. If it's unstable, I for one can't tell. Go ahead & try it, at worst you may have to do a restiore from the created restore point but I can't see why you should have to really. We all await Windows 7 but it's not here yet is it, so play with this instead ;-)
By the way...
Just thought it best to inform anyone making a batch file from the code listed above, to make sure that you prefix the part where it says "UCCESS" at present with ":S" to make it read ":SUCCESS" - seem like a simple typo. ;-)
Vista Service Pack 2
My System is Vista X64 and this Bat File is not working.
Anyone have any Clues.
Also has anyone figured out how or where to download service pack 2 from.??
I have found interesting
I have found interesting sources and would like to give the benefit of my experience to you.
I am tuning my pc by the best software for free, with the file search engine
May be you have your own experience and could give some useful sites too. Because this social site help me much.
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